
Graph Theory

e-books in Graph Theory category

Book cover: Graph Theory LessonsGraph Theory Lessons
by - Math Cove ,
This comprehensive text covers the important elementary topics of graph theory and its applications. It presents a variety of proofs designed to strengthen mathematical techniques and offers challenging opportunities to have fun with mathematics.
Book cover: Graph Theory: Advanced Algorithms and ApplicationsGraph Theory: Advanced Algorithms and Applications
by - InTech ,
Not only will the methods and explanations help you to understand more about graph theory, but you will find it joyful to discover ways that you can apply graph theory in your scientific field. The very basics are not explained at the beginner level.
Book cover: An  Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph TheoryAn Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph Theory
by - Whitman College ,
The book covers the classic parts of Combinatorics and graph theory, with some recent progress in the area. Contents: Fundamentals; Inclusion-Exclusion; Generating Functions; Systems of Distinct Representatives; Graph Theory; Polya-Redfield Counting.

Book cover: Probability on Trees and NetworksProbability on Trees and Networks
by - Cambridge University Press ,
This book is concerned with certain aspects of discrete probability on infinite graphs that are currently in vigorous development. Of course, finite graphs are analyzed as well, but usually with the aim of understanding infinite graphs and networks.
Book cover: Handbook of Graph Drawing and VisualizationHandbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization
by - CRC Press ,
The Handbook provides a broad, up-to-date survey of the field of graph drawing. It covers topological and geometric foundations, algorithms, software systems, and visualization applications in business, education, science, and engineering.
Book cover: Introductory Map TheoryIntroductory Map Theory
by - Kapa & Omega ,
As an introductory book, this book contains the elementary materials in map theory, including embeddings of a graph, abstract maps, duality, orientable and non-orientable maps, isomorphisms of maps and the enumeration of rooted or unrooted maps.
Book cover: Advances in Graph AlgorithmsAdvances in Graph Algorithms
by - viXra.org ,
This is a book about some currently popular topics such as exponential algorithms, fixed-parameter algorithms and algorithms using decomposition trees of graphs. For this last topic we found it necessary to include a chapter on graph classes.
Book cover: Intersection Graphs: An IntroductionIntersection Graphs: An Introduction
by - arXiv ,
Intersection graphs are important in both theoretical as well as application point of view. Different type of intersection graphs are defined, among them interval, circular-arc, permutation, trapezoid, chordal, disk, circle graphs are more important.
Book cover: New Frontiers in Graph TheoryNew Frontiers in Graph Theory
by - InTech ,
The purpose of this Graph Theory book is not only to present the latest state and development tendencies of graph theory, but to bring the reader far enough along the way to enable him to embark on the research problems of his own.
Book cover: Graph TheoryGraph Theory
by - Tampere University of Technology ,
These lecture notes form the base text for a Graph Theory course. The text contains an introduction to basic concepts and results in graph theory, with a special emphasis put on the network-theoretic circuit-cut dualism.
Book cover: Advanced Graph Theory and Combinatorial OptimizationAdvanced Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization
by ,
From the table of contents: Shortest trees and branchings; Matchings and covers; Edge-colouring; Multicommodity flows and disjoint paths; Matroids; Perfect matchings in regular bipartite graphs; Minimum circulation of railway stock.
Book cover: Algorithmic Graph TheoryAlgorithmic Graph Theory
by - Google Code ,
An introductory book on algorithmic graph theory. Theory and algorithms are illustrated using the Sage open source software. The text covers graph algorithms, trees and forests, distance and connectivity, optimal graph traversals, planar graphs, etc.
Book cover: Introduction to GraphsIntroduction to Graphs
by - arXiv ,
Graph theory provides fundamental concepts for many fields of science like statistical physics, network analysis and theoretical computer science. Here we give a pedagogical introduction to graph theory, divided into three sections.
Book cover: Fractional Graph Theory: A Rational Approach to the Theory of GraphsFractional Graph Theory: A Rational Approach to the Theory of Graphs
by - Wiley ,
In this book the authors explore generalizations of core graph theory notions by allowing real values to substitute where normally only integers would be permitted. The aim is to prove fractional analogues of the theorems of traditional graph theory.
Book cover: Lecture Notes on Graph TheoryLecture Notes on Graph Theory
by - University of Turku ,
These are introductory lecture notes on graph theory. Contents: Introduction (Graphs and their plane figures, Subgraphs, Paths and cycles); Connectivity of Graphs; Tours and Matchings; Colourings; Graphs on Surfaces; Directed Graphs.
Book cover: Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and ApplicationsDigraphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications
by - Springer ,
Digraphs presents a comprehensive survey of the study of directed graphs. It covers theoretical aspects with detailed proofs, and some algorithms and applications. The essential textbook and reference for graduate students and researchers.
Book cover: Graph Theory With ApplicationsGraph Theory With Applications
by - Elsevier Science Ltd ,
A coherent introduction to graph theory, a textbook for advanced undergraduates or graduates in computer science and mathematics. A systematic treatment of the theory of graphs, Common proofs are described and illustrated with lots of exercises.
Book cover: Graph TheoryGraph Theory
by - Springer ,
Textbook on graph theory that covers the basics, matching, connectivity, planar graphs, colouring, flows, substructures in sparse graphs, Ramsey theory for graphs, hamiltonian cycles, random graphs, minors, trees, and WQO.