
Business: Industries & Professions

e-books in Business: Industries & Professions category

Book cover: Tourism: the International BusinessTourism: the International Business
by - The Global Text Project ,
The text is divided into sections: an overview of tourism, the development of tourism, the marketing of tourism, and the future of tourism. The readers will understand tourism and have a clear idea of how to develop and market a tourism destination.
Book cover: How They SucceededHow They Succeeded
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
The Gilded Age produced not only some of the richest men and women of all time; its opportunities built a nation of people of superlative character. This book provides a look at the lives and choices of some of the most famous among them.
Book cover: Democratizing InnovationDemocratizing Innovation
by - The MIT Press ,
Eric von Hippel looks closely at the emerging system of user-centered innovation. He explains why users find it profitable to develop new products for themselves, and why it often pays users to reveal their innovations freely for the use of all.

Book cover: The Unauthorized Biography of the Baby Bells and Info-ScandalThe Unauthorized Biography of the Baby Bells and Info-Scandal
by - New Networks Institute ,
Bruce Kushnick, a telecom analyst for 15 years, spent seven years writing his 'unauthorized biography' of the Bell telephone monopolies. His 464-page manuscript exposes how the Baby Bells have been ripping us off since they were born in 1984.
Book cover: Men of WealthMen of Wealth
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
First-class business history, the story of great fortunes made by the most notable men of wealth in history: Jacob Fugger, John Law, Nathan Rothschild, Thomas Gresham, Robert Owen, Cornelius Vanderbilt, J.P. Morgan and J.D. Rockefeller.
Book cover: The 50 Great Pioneers of American IndustryThe 50 Great Pioneers of American Industry
by - J.G. Ferguson Publishing ,
This book is about the men who laid the basis of U.S. industry, and the thriving economy which it sustains. These pioneers were expanding the frontiers of enterprise and opportunity, each in his own way, in his own time, of his own volition.
Book cover: How We Got Here: A Slightly Irreverent History of Technology and MarketsHow We Got Here: A Slightly Irreverent History of Technology and Markets
by - Collins Business ,
The author unpacks the entire history of Silicon Valley and Wall Street, from the Industrial Revolution to computers, communications, money, gold and stock markets. This book connects the dots through history to how we got to where we are today.