

see also

Crystallography (9)

e-books in Geology category

Book cover: Physical GeologyPhysical Geology
by - University of Saskatchewan ,
This is an introductory text on the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, mass wasting, climate change, planetary geology, etc. It has a strong emphasis on examples from western Canada.
Book cover: The Geologic Story of Mount RainierThe Geologic Story of Mount Rainier
by - U.S. Government Printing Office ,
Ice-clad Mount Rainier, towering over the landscape of western Washington, ranks among the great volcanoes of the world. At Mount Rainier, the ever-present possibility of renewed eruptions gives viewers a sense of anticipation and apprehension.
Book cover: Mineralogy of Quartz and Silica MineralsMineralogy of Quartz and Silica Minerals
by - MDPI AG ,
The book reports recent contributions from research in the field of quartz and other silica minerals. The various forms of silica represent important constituents of the Earth crust and play a central role in the composition of geological materials.
Book cover: Stylolites: A reviewStylolites: A review
by - arXiv.org ,
Stylolites are ubiquitous geo-patterns observed in rocks in the upper crust, from geological reservoirs in sedimentary rocks to deformation zones, in folds, faults and shear zones. These rough surfaces play a major role in the dissolution of rocks...

Book cover: Volcanoes of the United StatesVolcanoes of the United States
by - US. Government Printing Office ,
The U.S. ranks third, behind Indonesia and Japan, in the number of historically active volcanoes. A few volcanoes have produced some of the largest and most dangerous types of eruptions in this century, while several others have threatened to erupt.
Book cover: Global Volcanic Hazards and RiskGlobal Volcanic Hazards and Risk
by - Cambridge University Press ,
This is the first comprehensive assessment of global volcanic hazards and risk. It examines our assessment capabilities, and considers the preparedness of the global scientific community and government agencies to manage volcanic hazards and risk.
Book cover: Observing the Volcano WorldObserving the Volcano World
by - Springer ,
This open access book provides a comprehensive overview of volcanic crisis research, the goal being to establish ways of successfully applying volcanology in practice and to identify areas that need to be addressed for future progress.
Book cover: Shaping a Nation: A Geology of AustraliaShaping a Nation: A Geology of Australia
by - ANU Press ,
Presented in a refreshingly non-linear format, the book summarises much of what we know about this country's geological history, discussing the fossil record and evolution of life across the continent, describing its mineral and energy reserves.
Book cover: Mineral Matter and Trace Elements in CoalMineral Matter and Trace Elements in Coal
by - MDPI AG ,
This volume provides research and developments in the nature and significance of the minerals and trace elements in coal, coal-mining wastes, and various byproducts derived from combustion, gasification, and pyrolysis and other related processes.
Book cover: Laboratory Manual for Introductory GeologyLaboratory Manual for Introductory Geology
by - University of North Georgia ,
This book is a comprehensive lab manual for the core curriculum Introductory Geosciences classes. Topics include basic laws in Geology, the Earth's interior and plate tectonics, water and climate change, igneous rocks and volcanoes, and earthquakes.
Book cover: Physical GeologyPhysical Geology
by - BCcampus Open Textbook Project ,
This book is a comprehensive introductory text on the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciation, groundwater, streams, coasts, mass wasting, climate change, planetary geology, etc.
Book cover: Glacier Evolution in a Changing WorldGlacier Evolution in a Changing World
by - InTech ,
Glaciers have always played an important role in history, and currently, they are observed as climate change sentinels. Glacier melt rate is increasing, and its mass balance is continuously negative. This issue deserves accurate and in-depth studies.
Book cover: Biostratigraphic and Geological Significance of Planktonic ForaminiferaBiostratigraphic and Geological Significance of Planktonic Foraminifera
by - UCL Press ,
The first - and only - book to synthesize the whole biostratigraphic and geological usefulness of planktonic foraminifera, unifies existing biostratigraphic schemes and provides an improved correlation reflecting regional biogeographies.
Book cover: Creation of the Teton LandscapeCreation of the Teton Landscape
by - Grand Teton Natural History Association ,
This booklet discusses how geologic phenomena are responsible for the magnificent scenery of the Teton region. It is a colorfully illustrated look at the park's geologic makeup, includes colorful back-cover fold-out geologic map of the park.
Book cover: Texas Rocks and MineralsTexas Rocks and Minerals
by - The University of Texas at Austin ,
This booklet has been designed to serve as a brief, simple, nontechnical guide that will be of help to school children, amateur collectors, and others who are just beginning to develop an interest in the rocks and minerals of Texas.
Book cover: The Geologic Story of Palo Duro CanyonThe Geologic Story of Palo Duro Canyon
by - The University of Texas at Austin ,
Palo Duro Canyon contains a fascinating assortment of multicolored geologic formations. This publication discusses the geologic setting and origin of the canyon and the methods by which some of the more interesting geologic features were formed.
Book cover: Apatites and their Synthetic AnaloguesApatites and their Synthetic Analogues
by - InTech ,
Apatite-type minerals and their synthetic analogues are of interest of many industrial branches and scientific disciplines. This book provides a basic overview of general knowledges of this topic in order to provide the comprehensive survey ...
Book cover: The Geologic Story of Arches National ParkThe Geologic Story of Arches National Park
by - U. S. Government Printing Office ,
Arches National Park is located on the Colorado River 6 km north of Moab, Utah. It is known for containing over 2000 natural sandstone arches, including the famous Delicate Arch, in addition to a variety of unique geological resources and formations.
Book cover: Common Minerals and RocksCommon Minerals and Rocks
by - D.C. Heath & Co ,
Our work in this short course will be limited to dynamical and structural geology. We will sketch the forces now concerned in the formation of rocks and rock-structures and the composition and other characteristics of the common minerals and rocks.
Book cover: Ancient Landscapes of the Grand Canyon RegionAncient Landscapes of the Grand Canyon Region
by - Coconino Sun Co. ,
From the rim of the Grand Canyon one not only looks down through tremendous space, but also through time, glimpsing the record of vast ages, measurable not in centuries but in millions and even hundreds of millions of years.
Book cover: Geology: The Science of the Earth's CrustGeology: The Science of the Earth's Crust
by - P. F. Collier & Son Company ,
In the preparation of this book the author presents, in popular form, the salient points of a general survey of the whole great science of geology, the science which deals with the history of the earth and its inhabitants as revealed in the rocks.
Book cover: EarthquakesEarthquakes
by - U.S. Geological Survey ,
Today we are challenging the assumption that earthquakes must present an uncontrollable and unpredictable hazard to life and property. Scientists have begun to estimate the locations and likelihoods of future damaging earthquakes ...
Book cover: VolcanoesVolcanoes
by - U. S. Geological Survey ,
This booklet presents a generalized summary of the nature, workings, products, and hazards of the common types of volcanoes around the world, along with a brief introduction to the techniques of volcano monitoring and research.
Book cover: Historical GeologyHistorical Geology
- Wikibooks ,
This book has a single purpose: to explain how it is even possible to reconstruct the history of the Earth from data available in the present. The emphasis is methodological: rather than explaining what is known, we shall look at how it is known.
Book cover: Venezuelan Tepuis: Their Caves and BiotaVenezuelan Tepuis: Their Caves and Biota
by - Comenius University in Bratislava ,
This volume summarizes the main scientific results of expeditions to the tepuis of Venezuela between 2002 and 2011. The major research described in this monograph is dedicated to the great caves discovered in Roraima and Churi tepuis.
Book cover: Handbook for the Alaskan ProspectorHandbook for the Alaskan Prospector
by - University of Alaska, Fairbanks ,
This book will be of value to the experienced prospector who would like to learn something of geology; the young geologist who needs information on practical prospecting; the novice who needs a comprehensive reference; and the experienced geologist.
Book cover: The Principles of Stratigraphical GeologyThe Principles of Stratigraphical Geology
by - Cambridge University Press ,
It is the aim of the Stratigraphical Geologist to record the events which have occurred during the existence of the earth in the order in which they have taken place. He tries to restore the physical geography of each period of the past ...
Book cover: Mechanism of Sedimentary Basin FormationMechanism of Sedimentary Basin Formation
by - InTech ,
This book is devoted to the sedimentary basin formation on active plate margins, which show enormous diversity reflecting complex tectonic processes. Multidisciplinary approach is based on geology, sedimentology, geochronology and geophysics.
Book cover: Earthquakes and TsunamisEarthquakes and Tsunamis
by ,
Earthquakes are as inescapable as the weather. Every year there are a couple of million earthquakes strong enough to be felt. One of consequences of major impact to people is generated by big magnitude earthquakes with hypocenter located at the sea.
Book cover: The Elements of Geology: Adapted to the Use of Schools and CollegesThe Elements of Geology: Adapted to the Use of Schools and Colleges
by - Gould & Lincoln ,
In preparing the following work, it was intended to present a systematic and somewhat complete statement of the principles of Geology, within such limits that they may be thoroughly studied in the time usually allotted to this science.
Book cover: The planet we live on: The beginnings of the Earth SciencesThe planet we live on: The beginnings of the Earth Sciences
by - Learning Development Institute ,
This book has been written as an introductory guide to geology, to interest you in the subject and to enthuse you to study geology at higher levels. This book, like the others in the Series, is written in simple English.
Book cover: Gems and Gem MineralsGems and Gem Minerals
by - A. W. Mumford ,
Where do they come from? What are they made of? How can they be distinguished? What is their value? The subject as a whole has been treated from the mineralogical standpoint, as this affords the best basis for a thorough knowledge of gems.
Book cover: The Elements of GeologyThe Elements of Geology
by - Ginn & company ,
The author has ventured to depart from the common usage which subdivides geology into a number of departments, and to treat in immediate connection with each geological process the land forms and the rock structures which it has produced.
Book cover: Tectonics: Recent AdvancesTectonics: Recent Advances
by - InTech ,
This book is devoted to different aspects of modern geodynamic processes. The text covers up-to-date materials of detailed geological-geophysical investigations, which can help understand the essence of mechanisms of different tectonic processes.
Book cover: Introduction to Mineralogy: A Collection of Copper MineralsIntroduction to Mineralogy: A Collection of Copper Minerals
by ,
This paper introduces and describe five species of minerals which are represented in a small collection brought out of the copper mines of Butte, Montana. The species included are native copper, azurite, malachite, rhodocrosite, and chrysocolla.
Book cover: Guidebook to the Geology of Barringer Meteorite Crater, ArizonaGuidebook to the Geology of Barringer Meteorite Crater, Arizona
by - Lunar and Planetary Institute ,
This guidebook provides a trail-oriented geological tour of the Barringer Meteorite Crater, Arizona. The geological processes involved in the formation of the crater have been broken down into a series of discrete topics.
Book cover: Introduction to Crystallography and Mineral Crystal SystemsIntroduction to Crystallography and Mineral Crystal Systems
by - Rockhounding Arkansas ,
Crystallography is a fascinating division of the entire study of mineralogy. We hope to bring you to a greater appreciation of natural mineral crystals and their forms by giving you some background and understanding into the world of crystallography.
Book cover: Traces of CatastropheTraces of Catastrophe
by - Lunar and Planetary Institute ,
A detailed introduction to impact processes, crater formation, and shock metamorphism. The book is intended for geoscientists of all kinds: students, professors and professional geologists who may encounter an impact structure in the field area.
Book cover: Why, and How, Should Geologists Use Compositional Data AnalysisWhy, and How, Should Geologists Use Compositional Data Analysis
by - Wikibooks ,
It is important for geologists to be aware that the usual multivariate statistical techniques are not applicable to constrained data. It's also important to have access to appropriate techniques as they become available. This is the aim of this book.
Book cover: TectonicsTectonics
by - InTech ,
The present book is restricted to the structure and evolution of the terrestrial lithosphere with dominant emphasis on the continents. Topics: Gondwana history, the tectonics of Europe and the Near East; the tectonics of Siberia; and more.
Book cover: Charles Lyell and Modern GeologyCharles Lyell and Modern Geology
by - Macmillan and co ,
Lyell, while still a young man, determined that he would endeavour to put geology -- then only beginning to rank as a science -- on a more sound and philosophical basis. To accomplish this purpose, he spared no labour, shrank from no fatigue.
Book cover: Minerals and RocksMinerals and Rocks
by - BookBoon ,
After a brief introduction to the Rock Cycle, this text presents the properties of minerals and introduces crystallography. The most important rock-forming minerals are then dealt with in a systematic way, followed by the three main rock groups.
Book cover: Geology for EngineersGeology for Engineers
by - Griffin ,
A knowledge of geology is of the first importance to the practical engineer. The author compiled the requisite information in a clear and concise manner in one volume, in the hope that it may serve as a handy book of reference.
Book cover: Technical Guide to Managing Ground Water ResourcesTechnical Guide to Managing Ground Water Resources
by - US Forest Service ,
The effects of human activities on ground water need to be clearly understood in order to manage these systems. This guide emphasizes that disruption of ground water resources has consequences for hydrological systems and related environment.
Book cover: Concise HydrologyConcise Hydrology
by - BookBoon ,
This is an introductory book on hydrology that covers hydrological cycle, precipitation analysis, evaporation and evapotranspiration processes, infiltration, ground water movement, hydrograph analysis, rainfall runoff modelling, etc.
Book cover: Metal Mining and the EnvironmentMetal Mining and the Environment
by - American Geological Institute ,
The booklet offers new tools for raising awareness and understanding of the impact and issues surrounding metal mining and the environment. It provides a geoscience perspective on metal mining and the environment and improves Earth science literacy.
Book cover: Manual of the Chemical Analysis of RocksManual of the Chemical Analysis of Rocks
by - Wiley ,
This book presents to chemists, petrologists, mining engineers and others who have not made a particular study of quantitative analysis, a selection of methods for the chemical analysis of silicate rocks, and especially those of igneous origin.
Book cover: MineralogyMineralogy
by - Whittaker ,
1912 edition. There are two parts, the first of which deals with the properties of minerals, and the second with the description of the more important species that either make up rocks, or occur as ores, as salts, or as gems.
Book cover: A Photographic Atlas of Rock Breakdown Features in Geomorphic EnvironmentsA Photographic Atlas of Rock Breakdown Features in Geomorphic Environments
by - Planetary Science Institute ,
A comprehensive image collection of rock breakdown features observed on boulders. This atlas is intended as a tool for planetary geoscientists and their students to assist in identifying surface features found on rocks on planetary surfaces.
Book cover: Deserts: Geology and ResourcesDeserts: Geology and Resources
by - U.S. Geological Survey ,
Contents: What Is a Desert; How the Atmosphere Influences Aridity; Where Deserts Form; Types of Deserts; Desert Features; Eolian Processes; Types of Dunes; Remote Sensing of Arid Lands; Mineral Resources in Deserts; Desertification.
Book cover: Unsaturated Zone Hydrology for Scientists and EngineersUnsaturated Zone Hydrology for Scientists and Engineers
by - Pearson Education ,
This is a systematic coverage of state-of-the-art unsaturated zone hydrology. Coverage begins with the basic physical properties of clays, and moves on to contaminant transport, spatial variability, scaling, and fractals in the earth sciences.
Book cover: New Theory of the EarthNew Theory of the Earth
by - Cambridge University Press ,
Advanced textbook on the origin, composition, and evolution of the Earth's interior: geophysics, geochemistry, dynamics, convection, mineralogy, volcanism, energetics and thermal history. A reference for all researchers in the solid Earth sciences.
Book cover: Plate TectonicsPlate Tectonics
by - University of Michigan ,
Introductory flash-based, online book on plate tectonics - the movement of litosphere plates. Students using this book can see continents collide and watch what happens at the mid-ocean ridge. Fantastic full-color illustrations.
Book cover: Theoretical GeomechanicsTheoretical Geomechanics
by - Samizdat Press ,
This text presents some theoretical problems related to the continuum mechanics, of particular importance to applied geomechanics, geological engineering and structural geology. The theory of plates and shells is discussed in detail.
Book cover: Volcanology and Geothermal EnergyVolcanology and Geothermal Energy
by - University of California Press ,
Practical guide for geologists and drilling engineers. It describes the potential geothermal reservoirs associated with volcanic regions and offers examples of how geological field data give evidence of the location and size of a geothermal resource.
Book cover: Theory of the EarthTheory of the Earth
by - Blackwell Science Inc ,
Textbook on the origin, evolution, structure and composition of the Earth. It treats the pertinent aspects of solid state physics, thermodynamics, geochemistry, petrology, and seismology. A text intended for exploration geologists and researchers.
Book cover: Imaging the Earth's InteriorImaging the Earth's Interior
by - Blackwell Science Inc ,
Prospecting for oil begins with seismic soundings. The echoes are processed into images that reveal the earth's geological history. This book describes the image-making process, it uses the wave equation directly in the image-making process.
Book cover: This Dynamic Earth: The Story of Plate TectonicsThis Dynamic Earth: The Story of Plate Tectonics
by - United States Government Printing ,
Introduction to the concept of plate tectonics for all readers interested in the subject, also the source of information for science teachers at the middle or high school level. Great graphics and photos matching a well written text.