


Telephone Systems (7)

e-books in Telecommunications category

Book cover: R-F AmplifiersR-F Amplifiers
by - J. F. Rider ,
The intent of this book is to discuss amplifiers that operate in the r-f portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, particularly the low and medium ranges of the r-f band. Thus, fundamental concepts of the subject of r-f amplifiers are presented.
Book cover: Guided-Wave OpticsGuided-Wave Optics
by - MDPI AG ,
The topic of guided wave propagation comprises a vast research area overlapping with photonics, matter waves in macroscopic quantum media, hydrodynamics, plasma physics, etc. In many situations, tightly confined GWs naturally acquire high amplitudes.

Book cover: FM: An Introduction to Frequency ModulationFM: An Introduction to Frequency Modulation
by - J. F. Rider ,
The primary purpose of this volume is to give such pertinent information as will furnish a general outline of frequency modulation: the manner in which it differs from amplitude modulation, and details associated with f-m receiver servicing problems.
Book cover: Frequency ModulationFrequency Modulation
by - McGraw-Hill ,
The purpose of this book is to present an engineering text on frequency modulation covering both basic principles and the design of commercial apparatus. The practical applications that are described follow closely good engineering practice.
Book cover: Electronics: CommunicationsElectronics: Communications
by - Delmar Publishers ,
This manual is a result of experience gained with students in technical schools and community colleges throughout the country. We shall cover a number of basic areas including: receivers, transmitters, and introductory communications systems.
Book cover: Clock and Data RecoveryClock and Data Recovery
- Wikibooks ,
This book provides the electronic engineer with the knowledge of: what the CDR function and structure are; where a CDR is used in a communication network; the mathematical models (just three!) needed to understand the CDR operation.
Book cover: Basic Queueing TheoryBasic Queueing Theory
by - University of Debrecen ,
The aim of the book is to present the basic methods, approaches in a Markovian level for the analysis of not too complicated systems. The main purpose is to understand how models could be constructed and how to analyze them.
Book cover: Introduction to Queueing Theory and Stochastic Teletraffic ModelsIntroduction to Queueing Theory and Stochastic Teletraffic Models
by - City University of Hong Kong ,
This textbook provides students with basic knowledge of stochastic models that may apply to telecommunications research areas, such as traffic modelling, resource provisioning and traffic management. These study areas are often called teletraffic.
Book cover: Antennas: Theory and PracticeAntennas: Theory and Practice
by - J. Wiley ,
This book is about antennas -- about the physical principles underlying their behavior, the theory needed in sound antenna design and in planning meaningful experiments, the applications of theory to antennas in various frequency ranges.
Book cover: Advancement in Microstrip Antennas with Recent ApplicationsAdvancement in Microstrip Antennas with Recent Applications
by - InTech ,
The book discusses basic and advanced concepts of microstrip antennas, including design procedure and recent applications. Book topics include discussion of arrays, spectral domain, optimization, multiband, dual and circular polarization, etc.
Book cover: Optical CommunicationOptical Communication
by - InTech ,
The book covers general concepts of optical communication, components, systems, networks, signal processing and MIMO systems. Optical components and other enhanced signal processing functions are also considered in depth.
Book cover: Communication NetworksCommunication Networks
by - Wikibooks ,
This book is about electrical communications networks, including both analog, digital, and hybrid networks. We will look at both broadcast and bi-directional data networks. The book will focus on existing technology, not too much on theory.
Book cover: Advances in Cognitive Radio SystemsAdvances in Cognitive Radio Systems
by - InTech ,
Topics covered: Cognitive Media Access Control; Measurement and Statistics of Spectrum Occupancy; Adaptation from Transmission Security to Cognitive Radio Communication; Wideband Voltage Controlled Oscillators for Cognitive Radio Systems; etc.
Book cover: Principles of Digital CommunicationsPrinciples of Digital Communications
by - Connexions ,
This course explores elements of the theory and practice of digital communications. It will model and study the effects of channel impairments on the performance of communication systems and introduce signal processing, modulation, and coding.
Book cover: A Foundation in Digital CommunicationA Foundation in Digital Communication
by - Cambridge University Press ,
This intuitive yet rigorous introduction derives the core results of digital communication from first principles. Theory, rather than industry standards, motivates the approaches, and key results are stated with all the required assumptions.
Book cover: Telecommunications Networks: Current Status and Future TrendsTelecommunications Networks: Current Status and Future Trends
by - InTech ,
This book guides readers through the basics of rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations of Telecommunications Networks. It identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Telecommunications.
Book cover: Global Navigation Satellite Systems: Signal, Theory and ApplicationsGlobal Navigation Satellite Systems: Signal, Theory and Applications
by - InTech ,
The book is devoted to recent results and developments in GNSS theory, system, signal, receiver, method, and errors sources, such as multipath effects and atmospheric delays. Furthermore, varied GNSS applications are demonstrated and evaluated.
Book cover: Communication SystemsCommunication Systems
by - Connexions ,
A more advanced communications course covering elements of modern digital communications. Contents: Signals; Systems; Time Domain Analysis of Continuous Time Systems; Frequency Domain; Continuous Time Fourier Transform; Sampling theory; etc.
Book cover: Communication SystemsCommunication Systems
- Wikibooks ,
This book covers a large number of topics in the field of electrical communications. It discusses topics of analog communication schemes, computer programming, network architectures, information infrastructures, communications circuit analysis, etc.
Book cover: Advances in Satellite CommunicationsAdvances in Satellite Communications
by - InTech ,
This book analyzes various aspects of Satellite Communications: Antenna design, Real Time applications, Quality of Service (QoS), Atmospheric effects, Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Networks, Sensor Networks and High Capacity Satellite Links.
Book cover: Digital Encoding and DecodingDigital Encoding and Decoding
by ,
Tutorial describing methods for encoding digital information in an electric or optical signal. Topics include Manchester and 4B/5B Encoding, Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation, Phase Modulation, Minimum Shift Keying, Frequency Hopping, etc.
Book cover: Cellular Networks: Positioning, Performance Analysis, ReliabilityCellular Networks: Positioning, Performance Analysis, Reliability
by - InTech ,
The development, implementation and operation of wireless cellular networks require engineers to address a number of interrelated problems. This book will be useful to researches and post-graduate students in telecommunication specialties.
Book cover: Principles of CommunicationPrinciples of Communication
by - NPTEL ,
Topics: Signal Spaces; Fourier Series; Fourier Transform; Sampling Theorem; Discrete Time Signals; Z Transforms; Basics of Probability Theory and Random Processes; Bandwidth; Amplitude Modulation; SSB - VSB Modulation; Noise Analysis AM, FM; etc.
Book cover: Microwave and Millimeter Wave TechnologiesMicrowave and Millimeter Wave Technologies
by - InTech ,
Novel generation wireless system is a packet switched wireless system with wide area coverage and high throughput. This book will attract more interest in microwave and millimeter wave technologies and simulate new ideas on this fascinating subject.
Book cover: Trends in Telecommunications TechnologiesTrends in Telecommunications Technologies
by - InTech ,
This book gathers world-class scientists, engineers and educators engaged in the fields of telecommunications and presents their latest activities. The main focus of the book is the advances in telecommunications modeling, policy, and technology.
Book cover: Radio CommunicationsRadio Communications
by - InTech ,
An overview of the major issues in radio communications: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, etc.
Book cover: Passive Microwave Components and AntennasPassive Microwave Components and Antennas
by - InTech ,
This book highlights the new trends in analysis and design of microwave components and antennas, focusing on passive components such as novel resonators, filters, diplexers, power dividers, directional couplers, impedance transformers, waveguides...
Book cover: Frontiers in Guided Wave Optics and OptoelectronicsFrontiers in Guided Wave Optics and Optoelectronics
by - InTech ,
Guided wave optics and optoelectronics are at the heart of optical communications, signal processing, biomedical optics, defense applications, etc. Optical communication in the last two decades has revolutionized the way information is transferred.
Book cover: Integrated Communications Management of Broadband NetworksIntegrated Communications Management of Broadband Networks
by - Crete University Press ,
This book addresses the technologies and methods required for the management of broadband networks and services. It introduces relevant background information and presents detailed technical descriptions, covering a range of topics.
Book cover: Fiber Optic Data Communications for the Premises EnvironmentFiber Optic Data Communications for the Premises Environment
by - Telebyte, Inc. ,
The book's subject is premises data communications using fiber optic cable as the transmission medium. It is an important topic both within the context of data communications today and into the future. All aspects of this subject are explored.
Book cover: Understanding Optical CommunicationsUnderstanding Optical Communications
by - IBM Corporation ,
A technical overview of the emerging technologies of fibre optical communications and optical networking. Written at the technical conceptual level it is intended as an introduction to the field for computer and data communication professionals.
Book cover: Principles of Digital Communication and CodingPrinciples of Digital Communication and Coding
by - McGraw-Hill ,
This classic text remains a vital resource three decades after its publication. It is geared toward students of communications theory and to designers of channels, links, terminals, modems, or networks used to transmit and receive digital messages.
Book cover: Broadband Direct-Coupled and Matching RF NetworksBroadband Direct-Coupled and Matching RF Networks
by - TRCPEP ,
This practical guide is for engineers who design RF networks that filter and match impedances over wide bands or match at a just one frequency. New techniques are described clearly and at a level between seminars and graduate-level instruction.
Book cover: Radio ReceiversRadio Receivers
by - mikroElektronika ,
The fastest way of information exchange is by radio, where transfer is being done by electromagnetic waves, traveling at the speed of light. This book covers the history and principles of radio transmission and an array of different radio receivers.
Book cover: Handbook of Optical Through the Air CommunicationsHandbook of Optical Through the Air Communications
by - Imagineering E-Zine ,
Introduction to the basic concepts of optical communications. The handbook discusses the physics of light and how it can be used to send information. It provides details of the components used in light transmitters and receivers.
Book cover: Electromagnetic  Waves and AntennasElectromagnetic Waves and Antennas
by ,
The book provides a broad and applications-oriented introduction to electromagnetic waves and antennas. It covers the propagation, reflection, and transmission of plane waves, multilayer films, waveguides, transmission lines, impedance matching, etc.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Wireless CommunicationFundamentals of Wireless Communication
by - Cambridge University Press ,
The textbook on the fundamentals of wireless communication. It explains the concepts at a level accessible to an audience with a basic background in probability and digital communication. The text for graduates in electrical and computer engineering.
Book cover: Wireless Networking in the Developing WorldWireless Networking in the Developing World
by - Lulu.com ,
By applying wireless technology in areas that are in need of communications infrastructure, more people can be brought online than ever before. This book was created by a team of individuals participating in the ever-expanding Internet.
Book cover: Understanding OSIUnderstanding OSI
by - Prentice Hall ,
Provides an intelligent beginner with an understanding of OSI (Open Systems Interconnection). It is not an exposition of the technical detail of the OSI Standards, it aims to explain why OSI is the shape it is, and a guide to computer protocols.
Book cover: Radio Antenna EngineeringRadio Antenna Engineering
by - McGraw-Hill ,
The book includes an introduction to radio theory, the specification and design of large antenna systems, transmission lines, impedance matching techniques, and logarithmic potential theory. The text is supported by drawings, charts, and photographs.
Book cover: Communication Network AnalysisCommunication Network Analysis
by ,
This text describes the most popular analytical techniques for design and analysis of computer communication networks, with an emphasis on performance issues. Written for the graduate course Communication Network Analysis.
Book cover: A Mathematical Theory of CommunicationA Mathematical Theory of Communication
by ,
Shannon presents results previously found nowhere else, and today many professors refer to it as the best exposition on the subject of the mathematical limits on communication. It laid the modern foundations for what is now coined Information Theory.