
Physics for College Students

Large book cover: Physics for College Students

Physics for College Students

Publisher: Allyn and Bacon
ISBN/ASIN: 1151781797
Number of pages: 644

Contents: MECHANICS (Kinematics, Dynamics, Mechanics of Fluids); SOUND (Waves, Production and Transmission of Sound, Physical Basis of Music); LIGHT (Nature and Propagation of Light, Light as a Wave Motion, Sensations of Color, Polarized Light, Optical Instruments); HEAT (Nature and Effects of Heat, Transmission and Radiation of Heat, Thermodynamics); MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY (Magnets and Magnetic Fields, Electrostatics, Electric Currents, Electromagnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, Dynamo-Electric Machines, Electric Oscillations and Waves, Passage of Electricity through Gases).

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