
Church History

e-books in Church History category

Book cover: A Short History of ChristianityA Short History of Christianity
by - Watts & Co. ,
Robertson was an advocate of the Jesus-Myth theory, and he argued against the historicity of Jesus. According to Robertson, the character of Jesus in the New Testament developed from a Jewish cult of Joshua, whom he identifies as a solar deity.
Book cover: The Historical JesusThe Historical Jesus
by - Watts & Co. ,
Robertson was an advocate of the Jesus-Myth theory, and he argued against the historicity of Jesus. According to Robertson, the character of Jesus in the New Testament developed from a Jewish cult of Joshua, whom he identifies as a solar deity.
Book cover: Beyond the Witch Trials: Witchcraft and Magic in Enlightenment EuropeBeyond the Witch Trials: Witchcraft and Magic in Enlightenment Europe
by - Manchester University Press ,
An important collection of essays on the nature of witchcraft and magic in European society during the Enlightenment. The book is innovative because it provides the reader with a challenging variety of different approaches and sources of information.
Book cover: The Christ MythThe Christ Myth
by - T. Fisher Unwin ,
Philosopher Arthur Drews exposes the Jesus of the gospels as a mythical character, arguing that no basis exists for seeking a historical figure behind the Christ myth. Drews shows that Christianity is a syncretism of various pagan and Jewish beliefs.

Book cover: The Quest of the Historical JesusThe Quest of the Historical Jesus
by - Adam and Charles Black ,
Groundbreaking study that established the reputation of the famed theologian traces the search for the historical Jesus. Schweitzer examines works of more than fifty authors and concludes that many of the reconstructions of Christ were fantasies.
Book cover: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern ChristianityAncient, Medieval, and Modern Christianity
by - University Books ,
Christianity has made peace with the theory of evolution but it cannot make peace with the application of the theory of evolution to Christianity itself. Guignebert's theory will be most unpalatable to the principal Church of his country.
Book cover: The Early Christians: In Their Own WordsThe Early Christians: In Their Own Words
by - Plough Publishing House ,
Not merely a volume of collected writings of Christians living in early church communities, this anthology is a reflection of a faith and a way of life aflame with unwavering devotion. A clear and vibrant faith lives in these writings.
Book cover: The History of The Reformation of the Church of EnglandThe History of The Reformation of the Church of England
by - D. Appleton & co ,
The separation of the Church of England from Rome under Henry VIII, brought England alongside a broad Reformation movement; however, religious changes in the English national church proceeded more conservatively than elsewhere in Europe.
Book cover: The History of ProtestantismThe History of Protestantism
by - Cassell Petter & Galpin ,
This book pulls back the divine curtain and reveals God's hand in the affairs of His church during the Protestant Reformation. As God's church faces the last days, these compelling books have unique appeal and relevance to all who love the truth.
Book cover: Christmas: Its Origin and AssociationsChristmas: Its Origin and Associations
by - E. Stock ,
Christmas, its historical events and festive celebrations during nineteen centuries: memorable celebrations, stately meetings of early kings, remarkable events, romantic episodes, brave deeds, picturesque customs, time-honoured sports, etc.
Book cover: Pagan and Christian RomePagan and Christian Rome
by - Houghton Mifflin Co. ,
Complete and detailed Book discussing Rome and how it evolved through time. Contents: transformation of Rome from a Pagan into a Christian city; Pagan shrines and temples; Christian churches; imperial tombs; Papal tombs; Pagan cemeteries; and more.
Book cover: History Principles and Practice of Symbolism in Christian ArtHistory Principles and Practice of Symbolism in Christian Art
by - Kessinger Publishing ,
A comprehensive review of Christian symbolism, from the primitive Church to the present. Illustrated with line drawings and engravings. Symbols investigated: the color white, the alpha and the omega, the good shepherd, the invocatory cross.
Book cover: History of DogmaHistory of Dogma
by - Wipf & Stock Publishers ,
Adolf von Harnack was a German theologian and church historian. He traced the influence of Hellenistic philosophy on early Christian writing and questioned the authenticity of doctrines that arose in the early Christian church.