
Stellar Astronomy

e-books in Stellar Astronomy category

Book cover: Notes on Stellar AstrophysicsNotes on Stellar Astrophysics
by - Minnesota State University ,
This book provides an introduction to the details of the structure, operation, and evolution of stars. It will be most useful to undergraduates in upper-level astronomy courses and graduate students taking Stellar Interiors or Stellar Atmospheres.
Book cover: The First StarsThe First Stars
by - arXiv ,
The author discusses our current understanding of the physical processes involved in the formation of Population III stars. He shows how we can identify the mass scale of the first dark matter halos to host Population III star formation.

Book cover: High Energy AstrophysicsHigh Energy Astrophysics
by - The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing ,
This book describes the methods and results of modern astrophysical phenomenology and modelling for advanced undergraduates or beginning graduate students. It is meant to be explanatory and expository, rather than complete or definitive.
Book cover: Massive Stars and their SupernovaeMassive Stars and their Supernovae
by - arXiv ,
The authors focus on the astrophysical aspects, i.e. a description of the evolution of massive stars and their endpoints, with a special emphasis on the composition of their ejecta in form of stellar winds during the evolution or of explosive ejecta.
Book cover: An Introduction to the Theory of Rotating Relativistic StarsAn Introduction to the Theory of Rotating Relativistic Stars
by - arXiv ,
These notes introduce the theory of rotating stars in general relativity. The focus is on the theoretical foundations, with a detailed discussion of the spacetime symmetries, the choice of coordinates and the derivation of the equations of structure.
Book cover: Images of the Solar Upper Atmosphere From SUMER on SOHOImages of the Solar Upper Atmosphere From SUMER on SOHO
by - ESA Publications Division ,
Investigations of the heating of the corona and the acceleration of the solar wind are two of the prime scientific goals in studying the solar upper atmosphere with the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) of ESA and NASA.
Book cover: Dense Matter in Compact StarsDense Matter in Compact Stars
by - arXiv ,
Cold and dense nuclear and quark matter can be found in the interior of compact stars. The author gives a pedagogical introduction to microscopic calculations based on phenomenological models, effective theories, and perturbative QCD.
Book cover: A Practical Introduction to Numerical HydrodynamicsA Practical Introduction to Numerical Hydrodynamics
by - Leiden University ,
An introduction to the field of numerical hydrodynamics. It will give you some insight in what is involved in such calculations. Numerical hydrodynamics is used in many parts of astrophysics. The applications we consider in this exercise are stellar.
Book cover: Introduction to the Theory of Black HolesIntroduction to the Theory of Black Holes
by - Utrecht University ,
Contents: The Metric of Space and Time; Curved coordinates; A short introduction to General Relativity; Gravity; The Schwarzschild Solution; The Chandrasekhar Limit; Gravitational Collapse; The Reissner-Nordstrom Solution; Horizons; and more.
Book cover: Black HolesBlack Holes
by - arXiv ,
Notes for a course taught in part III of the Cambridge University Mathematical Tripos: gravitational collapse, Schwarzschild black hole, charged black holes; rotating black holes; energy and angular momentum; black hole mechanics; Hawking radiation.
Book cover: The Virial Theorem in Stellar AstrophysicsThe Virial Theorem in Stellar Astrophysics
by - Pachart Pub. House ,
The virial theorem is extremely powerful in understanding problems of stellar astrophysics, but it is also poorly understood by many who study the subject. This book should be viewed as a guided introduction, punctuated by a few examples.
Book cover: The Birth and Death of StarsThe Birth and Death of Stars
by - University of Oregon ,
This course studies the birth, evolution and death of stars in our galaxy, emphasizing the underlying science behind stellar and galactic evolution, the observational aspect and our knowledge of how the Universe operates on the stellar scale.
Book cover: Protostars and PlanetsProtostars and Planets
- Rice University ,
This 1400+ pages book covers the very rapidly growing area of star-and-planet formation and evolution, from astrophysics to planetary science. It is most useful for researchers, graduate students, and some undergraduate students.
Book cover: The Birth And Death Of The SunThe Birth And Death Of The Sun
by - Dover Publications ,
In this fascinating book, a renowned physicist outlines the theories that illuminate the evolution of our world. Gamow employs language that's both scientifically accurate and easy to understand as he traces the development of atomic theory.
Book cover: Stellar AtmospheresStellar Atmospheres
by ,
A course on stellar atmospheres: radiation theory, blackbody radiation, flux, specific intensity and other astrophysical terms, absorption, scattering, extinction, the equation of transfer, limb darkening, atomic spectroscopy, and more.
Book cover: The Fundamentals of Stellar AstrophysicsThe Fundamentals of Stellar Astrophysics
by - W H Freeman & Co ,
The book on stellar astrophysics for the first year graduates or the advanced undergraduate students. It is assumed that the readers have factual knowledge of stars and astronomy. The text describes the axiomatic theory of stellar structure.