

e-books in Music category

Book cover: Welcome to the BeatlesWelcome to the Beatles
by - VT Publishing ,
The book represents our collective contribution to the larger scholarship on the most important band in rock history. The chapters of this book build upon the Lewisohn narrative and take into account the recurring issues in Beatles historiography.
Book cover: Theory and Practice of Piano ConstructionTheory and Practice of Piano Construction
by - Dover Publications, Inc. ,
To know a piano accurately one must understand the laws governing tone quality, and how the propagation of sound is produced as well as the pitch and intensity of sound. This is the only work of its kind ever put forth in the English language.
Book cover: Music and the ChildMusic and the Child
by - Open SUNY Textbooks ,
This book explores a holistic, artistic, and integrated approach to understanding the developmental connections between music and children. This book guides professionals to work through music, harnessing the processes that underlie music learning...

Book cover: Music in MotionMusic in Motion
by - De Gruyter Open ,
This volume deals with the musical activities of minorities and their impact on musical traditions in Europe. It also provides model projects with a practical insight into the life and work with music of migrant and minority cultures across Europe.
Book cover: A Quick and Dirty Guide to Art, Music, and CultureA Quick and Dirty Guide to Art, Music, and Culture
by - The Ohio State University ,
A guide for artist and musician biographies. We discuss art and music in the context of popular culture, so you will see relationships between art and music and what you are learning and the way you live, to connect them to your own experience.
Book cover: Music and SpiritualityMusic and Spirituality
by - MDPI AG ,
Music is a virtually ubiquitous companion to religious and spiritual practices. The intangible, insubstantial nature of sound is one of the reasons why music has so effectively symbolized the mysterious and wholly other since the dawn of creation.
Book cover: How to Write MusicHow to Write Music
by - H. W. Gray Co. ,
It is reasonable to expect that a musician shall be at least an accurate and legible writer as well as a reader of the language of his Art. The writing of music must be taught concurrently with the reading of it. Hence the following pages.
Book cover: Sound ReasoningSound Reasoning
by - Connexions ,
This book offers a new approach to music appreciation for adults, focusing on style-independent concepts. The goal is to equip you with questions that you may ask of any piece of music, thereby creating a more comprehensive understanding of music.
Book cover: Music and MathematicsMusic and Mathematics
by - The University of Chicago ,
Music and mathematics are intricately related. There are certain mathematical structures inherent in all works of music. The language of mathematics is a convenient tool for comprehending and communicating this underlying structure.
Book cover: Music Lovers EncyclopediaMusic Lovers Encyclopedia
by - McClure, Phillips & Co ,
A facsimile edition of a classic, long the standard reference on music with almost 1,000 pages that include an A to Z biographical dictionary of musicians with over 8,500 entries, a dictionary of 7,000 musical terms, synopses of 90 operas, and more.
Book cover: The Music Internet UntangledThe Music Internet Untangled
by - Giant Path Publishing ,
A primer on the different types of online music services and how to use them for music discovery. Though somewhat dated, the fundamentals haven't changed. The chapters on the types of services and music information on the net have remained relevant.