e-books in Literature: History & Criticism category

by Peter Groves - Monash University Publishing , 2013
How did Shakespeare intend that his plays be read? Rhythm and Meaning in Shakespeare explores the rhythmical organisation of Shakespeare's verse and how it creates and reinforces meaning both in the theatre and in the mind of the reader.

by Joseph Fruscione - The Ohio State University Press , 2012
Fruscione examines the contentious relationship of two titans of American modernism. At times, each voiced a shared literary and professional respect; at other times, each thought himself the superior craftsman and spoke of the other disparagingly.

by Heike Paul - transcript Verlag , 2014
This essential introduction to American studies examines the core foundational myths upon which the nation is based. These myths include the myth of 'discovery', the Pocahontas myth, the myth of the Promised Land, the myth of the Founding Fathers ...

by Mary Helen McMurran, Alison Conway - University of Toronto Press , 2016
'Mind, Body, Motion, Matter' investigates the relationship between the eighteenth century's two predominant approaches to the natural world -- mechanistic materialism and vitalism -- in the works of leading British and French writers.

by M. Michelle Robinson - University of Michigan Press , 2016
The book offers new arguments about the origins of detective fiction in the US, tracing the lineage of the genre back to unexpected texts and uncovering how authors made use of the genre's puzzle-elements to explore the dynamics of race and labor.

by George Gissing - Dodd, Mead and company , 1898
The first piece of thorough criticism of Charles Dickens and his works. Published when Dickens' literary reputation was at its lowest ebb, it helped to instigate a revival of appreciation for the novelist which has continued unabated ever since ...

by Joe B. Fulton - The Ohio State University Press , 2006
With his distinctive genius, Twain entered the religious dialogue of his time, employing the genres of belief as his vehicle for criticizing church and society. Twain's burlesques reveal a writer fully engaged with the religious ferment of his day.

by Lene M. Johannessen - Dartmouth College Press , 2011
Johannessen's subject here is the almost mystical American belief in the promise and potential of the individual, that can loosely be characterized as a fundamental and unwavering faith in the secular sanctity of the American project of modernity.

by Susan Mooney - Ohio State University Press , 2008
Mooney examines four novels that prompted in their day harsh censorship because of their sexual content -- Ulysses, Lolita, Time of Silence, and Russian Beauty. She shows how motifs of censorship became artistically embedded in the novels' plots.

by Harold North Fowler - D. Appleton and Co. , 1903
This book is intended primarily for use as a textbook in schools and colleges. I have therefore given more dates and more details about the lives of authors than are in themselves important, because dates are convenient aids to memory ...

by Eugene Stelzig - Milne Library , 2013
This discussion - written almost four decades ago - of the deep affinities between Dylan's song poetry and the Romantics, especially William Blake, is one of the early 'scholarly' as opposed to popular appreciations of Dylan's art ...

by Theodore L. Steinberg - Open SUNY Textbooks , 2013
The book attempts to make the study of literature more than simply another school subject that students have to take. At a time when all subjects seem to be valued only for their testability, this book tries to show the value of studying literature.

by Albert Mordell - Boni and Liveright , 1919
This work is an endeavour to apply some of the methods of psychoanalysis to literature. It attempts to read closely between the lines. It applies some principles in interpreting literature with a scrutiny hitherto scarcely deemed permissible.

by Anthony Trollope - Macmillan and Co. , 1879
This book surveys the life and works of the author of Vanity Fair. It is an introductory text about an author who is still popular today, and offers insights into Victorian assumptions about novel writing, providing an account of Thackeray's life.

by Jason Colavito - jasoncolavito.com , 2011
This book examines some of the odder corners of the intersection of reason and fear, including professional skeptics who condemn horror fiction as dangerous and radical theorists who misused horror ideas to claim aliens visited the ancient earth.

by S. P. B. Mais - Grant Richards LTD. , 1921
The book introduces you to authors that you don't yet know: Tom Jones, Charles Lamb, James Boswell, William Hazlitt, Samuel Pepys, Walter Savage Landor, John Donne, George Santayana, Iris Tree, Aldous Huxley, Robert Graves, Sheila Kaye-Smith, etc.

by Andrew Lang - Longmans, Green, and co. , 1912
The theory that Francis Bacon was the author of Shakespeare's plays, has now been for fifty years before the learned world. Its advocates met with less support than they had reason to expect. The Baconian theory is universally rejected in England.

by John Hays Gardiner - Scribner , 1906
The author's aim has been to make students as familiar as possible with the English Bible, and to throw light on its literary forms by bringing together facts from the history of its sources and from the history of the translation into English.

by Arthur Ransome - Project Gutenberg , 2011
He saw art as self-expression and life as self-development. He felt that his life was material on which to practise his powers of creation, and handled it and brooded over it like a sculptor planning to make a dancing figure out of a pellet of clay.

by Kathryn VanSpanckeren - U.S. Department of State , 2006
The Outline of American literature, newly revised, traces the paths of American narrative, fiction, poetry and drama as they move from pre-colonial times into the present, through such literary movements as romanticism, realism and experimentation.

by Kathryn VanSpanckeren - U. S. Department of State , 2007
The book describes the contributions to American literature of some of the best-recognized American poets, novelists, philosophers and dramatists from pre-Colonial days through the present. Major literary figures are discussed in detail.

by George Clack - America.gov , 2002
This volume presents 15 essays by a diverse group of contemporary American writers, poets, essayists, and intellectuals, on how being an American has affected their decision to write and what they have written during successful careers.

by Jerrold E. Hogle - University of Maryland , 2003
This collection focuses on the nightmarish sleep into which Victor Frankenstein falls after seeing his creature take its first breaths in Mary Shelley's novel of 1818. These essays deal with several rarely explored aspects of Frankenstein's dream.

by Walter Lionel George - W. Collins Sons & Co , 1918
The book expresses the fluctuating feelings aroused in the author by the modern novel and its treatment at the hands of the public. The chapters on 'Falstaff,' 'The Esperanto of Art,' and 'The Twilight of Genius' have been included.

- Wikibooks , 2010
This is a guidebook to the Harry Potter series. Critical commentary on each chapter, character, place, and event is provided in an effort to help the reader better understand detailed content and see connections to the greater storyline.

by Andrew Lang , 1886
In this epistolary work, Lang has presented spoof letters that he wrote to various deceased authors. While he generously praises them for their genius and manner of expression, he also addresses the shortcomings of some of these authors.

by Durham, MacCracken, Pierce - The MacMillan Company , 1925
This volume presents what may be necessary for the majority of classes, as a background on which may be begun the study of the plays. Critical comment on individual plays may stimulate interest in other plays than those assigned for study.

by Andrew Lang
The aim of 'Homer and His Age' is to prove that the Homeric Epics as wholes and apart from passages gravely suspected in antiquity present a perfectly harmonious picture of the entire life and civilization of one single age.

by Jeffrey Steinbrink - University of California Press , 1991
Mark Twain is one of our most accessible cultural icons, a figure familiar to virtually every American and renowned internationally. But he was not always as we know him today. This is the story of the coming of age of Mark Twain.

by Caroline F. E. Spurgeon - Cambridge University Press , 1913
Author restrict herself to a discussion of that philosophical type of mysticism which concerns itself with questions of ultimate reality. The aim of the book is to consider this subject in connection with great English writers.

by William J. Long - Ginn and Co , 1909
The history of English literature from Anglo-Saxon times to the close of the Victorian Era. The book should encourage the desire to read the best books, to interpret literature historically, and show the steady development of our literature.