
Condensed Matter Physics

e-books in Condensed Matter Physics category

Book cover: Physics of Soft MatterPhysics of Soft Matter
by - University of Ljubljana ,
These notes were prepared for the one-semester course in theoretical physics of soft condensed matter physics for master students. The aim of the course is to provide a broad review the phenomena and the concepts characteristic of soft matter.
Book cover: A Primer on Quantum FluidsA Primer on Quantum Fluids
by - Springer ,
This book introduces the theoretical description of quantum fluids. The focus is on gaseous atomic Bose-Einstein condensates and, to a minor extent, superfluid helium, but the underlying concepts are relevant to other forms of quantum fluids.

Book cover: Interface-Induced Phenomena in MagnetismInterface-Induced Phenomena in Magnetism
by - arXiv ,
This book reviews static and dynamic interfacial effects in magnetism, focusing on interfacially-driven magnetic effects and phenomena associated with spin-orbit coupling and intrinsic symmetry breaking at interfaces. It focuses on recent progress...
Book cover: Response Theory of the Electron-Phonon CouplingResponse Theory of the Electron-Phonon Coupling
by - arXiv ,
Systematic theoretical enquiry concerning the conceptual foundations and the nature of phonon-mediated electron-electron interactions. We propose a simple scheme to decouple the electrons and nuclei of a crystalline solid via effective interactions.
Book cover: Many-body Physics with Ultracold GasesMany-body Physics with Ultracold Gases
by - arXiv.org ,
This paper reviews recent experimental and theoretical progress concerning many-body phenomena in dilute, ultracold gases. It focuses on effects beyond standard weak-coupling descriptions, such as the Mott-Hubbard transition in optical lattices, etc.
Book cover: The Fundamentals of Density Functional TheoryThe Fundamentals of Density Functional Theory
by - University of Technology Dresden ,
A thorough introduction to the theoretical basis of density functional methods in a form which is both rigorous and yet concise. It is aimed for those who want to get a deeper insight into the meaning of the results of practical calculations.
Book cover: Quantum Theory of Condensed MatterQuantum Theory of Condensed Matter
by - Oxford University ,
I aim to discuss a reasonably wide range of quantum-mechanical phenomena from condensed matter physics, with an emphasis mainly on physical ideas. The most important prerequisite is some understanding of second quantization for fermions and bosons.
Book cover: The ABC of Density Functional TheoryThe ABC of Density Functional Theory
by - University of California, Irvine ,
DFT is not just another way of solving the Schroedinger equation. Density functional theory is a completely different, rigorous way of approaching any interacting problem, by mapping it exactly to a much easier-to-solve non-interacting problem.
Book cover: Condensed Matter Physics With Light And AtomsCondensed Matter Physics With Light And Atoms
by - arXiv ,
Various topics at the interface between condensed matter physics and the physics of ultra-cold fermionic atoms in optical lattices are discussed. Lectures given at the Enrico Fermi Summer School on 'Ultracold Fermi Gases' in 2006.
Book cover: Making, probing and understanding ultracold Fermi gasesMaking, probing and understanding ultracold Fermi gases
by - arXiv ,
This text summarizes the experimental frontier of ultra cold fermionic gases. It is based on three lectures which one of the authors gave at the Varenna summer school describing the experimental techniques used to study ultracold fermionic gases.
Book cover: Phases and Phase Transitions in Disordered Quantum SystemsPhases and Phase Transitions in Disordered Quantum Systems
by - arXiv ,
These lecture notes give a pedagogical introduction to phase transitions in disordered quantum systems and to the exotic Griffiths phases induced in their vicinity. The author also presents a number of experimental examples.
Book cover: Lectures on the Density Functional TheoryLectures on the Density Functional Theory
by - Universite de Lorraine ,
Contents: Thomas-Fermi method; Hartree-Fock formalism; Total energy as functional of electron density; Practical implementation of DFT and HF calculation schemes; Response properties in ab initio schemes; Order-N methods; Lattice dynamics.
Book cover: Lecture Notes on Condensed Matter PhysicsLecture Notes on Condensed Matter Physics
by - University of California, San Diego ,
These lecture notes are intended to supplement a graduate level course in condensed matter physics. From the table of contents: Introductory Information; Boltzmann Transport; Mesoscopia; Linear Response Theory; Magnetism.
Book cover: Simulations of Quantum Many Body SystemsSimulations of Quantum Many Body Systems
by - Louisiana State University ,
Contents: The Equilibrium Green Function Method; Dynamical Mean Field and Dynamical Cluster Approximation; Hirsh Fye and Continuous time Quantum Monte Carlo Methods; The Maximum Entropy Method for analytic continuation of QMC data; etc.
Book cover: N-body ProblemN-body Problem
by ,
These notes cover the formalism of correlation functions and perturbation theory, adiabatic continuity and broken symmetry -- the most important basic principles of condensed matter physics, and modern problems and more recent calculational tools.
Book cover: Optical Microscopy of Soft Matter SystemsOptical Microscopy of Soft Matter Systems
by - arXiv ,
The aim of this text is to introduce a variety of optical microscopy techniques available to soft matter researchers, starting from basic principles and finishing with a discussion of the most advanced microscopy systems.
Book cover: Statistical Mechanics and the Physics of the Many-Particle Model SystemsStatistical Mechanics and the Physics of the Many-Particle Model Systems
by - arXiv ,
The development of methods of quantum statistical mechanics is considered in light of their applications to quantum solid-state theory. We discuss fundamental problems of the physics of magnetic materials and methods of quantum theory of magnetism.
Book cover: Modern Computational Methods in SolidsModern Computational Methods in Solids
by - University of Wyoming ,
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to a series of paradigmatic physical problems in condensed matter, using the computer to solve them. The course will feel like a natural extension of introductory condensed matter.
Book cover: The Condensed Matter Physics of QCDThe Condensed Matter Physics of QCD
by - arXiv ,
Important progress in understanding the behavior of hadronic matter at high density has been achieved recently. We discuss the phase diagram of QCD as a function of temperature and density, and close with a look at possible astrophysical signatures.
Book cover: Percolation TheoryPercolation Theory
by - MIT ,
Percolation theory is the simplest model displaying a phase transition. The aim of the percolation theory course is to provide a challenging and stimulating introduction to a selection of topics within modern theoretical condensed matter physics.
Book cover: Quantum Condensed Matter PhysicsQuantum Condensed Matter Physics
by - University of California ,
Contents: Basic Formalism; Goldstone Modes and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking; Critical Fluctuations and Phase Transitions; Symmetry-Breaking In Fermion Systems; Gauge Fields and Fractionalization; Localized and Extended Excitations in Dirty Systems.
Book cover: Quantum Theory of Large Systems of Non-Relativistic MatterQuantum Theory of Large Systems of Non-Relativistic Matter
by - arXiv ,
From the table of contents: The Pauli Equation and its Symmetries; Gauge Invariance in Non-Relativistic Quantum Many-Particle Systems; Some Key Effects Related to the U(1)xSU(2) Gauge Invariance of Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics; and more.
Book cover: An Introduction to Symmetric SpacesAn Introduction to Symmetric Spaces
by - arXiv ,
In this text we give a self-contained introduction to symmetric spaces and their main characteristics. We take an algebraic approach; therefore it is not necessary to know almost anything about differential geometry to be able to follow the outline.
Book cover: Boulevard of Broken SymmetriesBoulevard of Broken Symmetries
by - arXiv ,
This textbook covers the main topics in contemporary condensed matter physics. The unique and innovative character of this presentation, free of historical constraints, allows for a compact and self-contained treatment of the main topics.
Book cover: The Universe in a Helium DropletThe Universe in a Helium Droplet
by - Oxford University Press ,
There are fundamental relations between two vast areas of physics: particle physics and cosmology (micro- and macro-worlds). The main goal of this book is to establish and define the connection of these two fields with condensed matter physics.