e-books in Computational Physics category
by Allen B. Downey - Green Tea Press , 2017
An introduction to physical modeling using a computational approach. Taking a computational approach makes it possible to work with more realistic models than what you typically see in a first-year physics class, such as friction and drag.
by Jeffrey R. Chasnov - Harvey Mudd College , 2013
This course consists of both numerical methods and computational physics. MATLAB is used to solve various computational math problems. The course is primarily for Math majors and supposes no previous knowledge of numerical analysis or methods.
by Badis Ydri - arXiv , 2015
We give an elementary introduction to computational physics. We deal with the problem of how to set up working Monte Carlo simulations of matrix field theories which involve finite dimensional matrix regularizations of noncommutative field theories.
by Volker Springel - arXiv , 2014
These are lecture notes about high performance computing and numerical modelling in 43rd Saas Fee Advanced Course winter school, specifically covering the basics of numerically treating gravity and hydrodynamics in the context of galaxy evolution.
by Eric Ayars - California State University, Chico , 2013
Contents: Useful Introductory Python; Python Basics; Basic Numerical Tools; Numpy, Scipy, and MatPlotLib; Ordinary Differential Equations; Chaos; Monte Carlo Techniques; Stochastic Methods; Partial Differential Equations; Linux; Visual Python; etc.
by Michael P. Brenner - Harvard University , 2010
This is an introduction to mathematical methods for solving hard mathematics problems that arise in the sciences -- physical, biological and social. Our aim therefore is to teach how computer simulations and analytical calculations can be combined.
by Rubin H Landau, Manuel J Paez, Cristian Bordeianu - Wiley-VCH , 2012
This text surveys many of the topics of modern computational physics from a computational science point of view. Its emphasis on learning by doing (assisted by many model programs), as with 2nd Edition, but with new materials as well as with Python.
by Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos - National Technical University of Athens , 2014
This is an introduction to the computational methods used in physics and other scientific fields. It is addressed to an audience that has already been exposed to the introductory level of college physics, usually taught during the first two years...
by Mark Newman - University of Michigan , 2012
The Python programming language is an excellent choice for learning, teaching, or doing computational physics. This page contains a selection of resources the author developed for teachers and students interested in computational physics and Python.
by Matthias Troyer - ETH Zurich , 2006
Contents: Introduction; The Classical Few-Body Problem; Partial Differential Equations;The classical N-body problem; Integration methods; Percolation; Magnetic systems; The quantum one-body problem; The quantum N body problem; and more.
by Adrian Feiguin - University of Wyoming , 2009
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to a series of paradigmatic physical problems in condensed matter, using the computer to solve them. The course will feel like a natural extension of introductory condensed matter.
by Franz J. Vesely - University of Vienna , 2006
The essential point in computational physics is the systematic application of numerical techniques in place of, and in addition to, analytical methods, in order to render accessible to computation as large a part of physical reality as possible.
by Matthias Bolten - John von Neumann Institute for Computing , 2008
This work is focused on the application of multigrid methods to particle simulation methods. Particle simulation is important for a broad range of scientific fields, like biophysics, astrophysics or plasma physics, to name a few.
by Stefan Weinzierl - arXiv , 2000
These lectures given to graduate students in high energy physics, provide an introduction to Monte Carlo methods. After an overview of classical numerical quadrature rules, Monte Carlo integration and variance-reducing techniques is introduced.
by Angus MacKinnon - Imperial College London , 2002
This course aims to give the student a thorough grounding in the main computational techniques used in modern physics. This is not a text in computing science, nor in programming. It focuses specifically on methods for solving physics problems.
by T. H. Pulliam - NASA , 2005
Implicit finite difference schemes for solving two dimensional and three dimensional Euler and Navier-Stokes equations will be addressed. The methods are demonstrated in fully vectorized codes for a CRAY type architecture.
by Johannes Grotendorst, Stefan Bluegel, Dominik Marx - NIC , 2006
This volume focuses on the application of electronic structure calculations and dynamical simulation techniques covering aspects of solid state physics, surface and nanoscience, chemical reactions and dynamics, magnetism and electron transport, etc.
by K. P. N. Murthy - arXiv , 2001
An introduction to the basics of Monte Carlo is given. The topics covered include sample space, events, probabilities, random variables, mean, variance, covariance, characteristic function, chebyshev inequality, law of large numbers, etc.
by Johan Hoffman, Claes Johnson , 2012
Computational foundation of thermodynamics based on deterministic finite precision computation without resort to statistics. A new 2nd Law without the concept of entropy is proved to be a consequence of the 1st Law and finite precision computation.
by Johan Hoffman, Claes Johnson - Springer , 2007
In this book we address mathematical modeling of turbulent fluid flow, and its many mysteries that have haunted scientist over the centuries. We approach these mysteries using a synthesis of computational and analytical mathematics.
by Werner Krauth - CNRS-Laboratoire de Physique Statistique , 1998
The author discusses the fundamental principles of thermodynamic and dynamic Monte Carlo methods in a simple light-weight fashion. The keywords are Markov chains, Sampling, Detailed Balance, A Priori Probabilities, Rejections, Ergodicity, etc.
by Morten Hjorth-Jensen - University of Oslo , 2007
These notes should train you in an algorithmic approach to problems in the sciences, represented here by the unity of three disciplines, physics, mathematics and informatics. This trinity outlines the emerging field of computational physics.
by Richard Fitzpatrick , 2007
The purpose of the text is to demonstrate how computers can help deepen our understanding of physics and increase the range of calculations which we can perform. These lecture notes are writen for an undergraduate course on computational physics.