
Philosophy of Mathematics

e-books in Philosophy of Mathematics category

Book cover: Mathematical Philosophy: A Study of Fate and FreedomMathematical Philosophy: A Study of Fate and Freedom
by - E.P. Dutton & company ,
Though the course is designed primarily for students whose major interest is in Philosophy, the lectures may be grateful to a wider circle of readers who desire a fair understanding of great mathematical ideas accessible to all educated laymen.
Book cover: Lectures on the Philosophy of MathematicsLectures on the Philosophy of Mathematics
by - Open Court Pub. Co ,
The author delivered a course of lectures to widen the field in the way of making it intelligible to all students of fair mathematical knowledge, which could be accomplished best by considering mathematics constantly in its historical development.
Book cover: The Philosophy of MathematicsThe Philosophy of Mathematics
by - Harper & brothers ,
The book presents a map of the wide region of mathematical science -- a bird's-eye view of its features, and of the true bearings and relations of all its parts. Auguste Comte was the first philosopher of science in the modern sense of the term.
Book cover: Aesthetics for the Working MathematicianAesthetics for the Working Mathematician
by - DocServer ,
Most research mathematicians neither think deeply about nor are terribly concerned about either pedagogy or the philosophy of mathematics. Nonetheless, as I hope to indicate, aesthetic notions have always permeated (pure and applied) mathematics.

Book cover: Introduction to Mathematical PhilosophyIntroduction to Mathematical Philosophy
by - University of Massachusetts Amherst ,
A very accessible mathematical classic. It sets forth in elementary form the logical definition of number, the analysis of the notion of order, the modern doctrine of the infinite, and the theory of descriptions and classes as symbolic fictions.
Book cover: A Philosophical Essay on ProbabilitiesA Philosophical Essay on Probabilities
by - Chapman & Hall ,
Classic book on probability theory. It demonstrates, without the use of higher mathematics, the application of probability to games of chance, physics, reliability of witnesses, astronomy, insurance, democratic government, and many other areas.
Book cover: The Philosophy of MathematicsThe Philosophy of Mathematics
by - J.B. Lippincott & Co ,
The text covers first principles of the infinitesimal method, the method of indivisibles, solution of the mystery of Cavalieri's method, the method of Descartes, or analytical geometry, the method of Leibnitz, the method of Newton.