e-books in Banks & Banking category

by Kenneth Spong - Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City , 2000
This book covers many different aspects of banking regulation: the basic purposes of banking regulation in the United States, the historical development of our regulatory system, the basic powers of banks and bank holding companies, and more.

by AP Faure - Bookboon , 2013
This book presents an introduction to central banking and monetary policy. Central banking is not just about monetary policy. It is also about being banker and advisor to government and managing the money and banking system ...

- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , 1997
A detailed analysis of the complex combination of causes that led to the extraordinary number of bank failures in the 1980s and early 1990s. An evaluation of the legislative, regulatory and supervisory responses to those failures.

by Donald D. Hester, James L. Pierce - Yale University Press , 1975
The purpose of this monograph is to provide a microeconometric analysis of portfolio behavior and earnings by commercial and mutual savings banks. The results will be of value in constructing an aggregate model for the analysis of systems banks.

by Robert Harrison Howe - C. H. Kerr & co , 1915
This book does not contain all that might be written on the subject of money. It is published with the sole purpose of stimulating inquiry into the subject of which it treats and which has been nearly neglected by the leaders of advanced thought.

by Robert E. Wright, Vincenzo Quadrini - Saylor Foundation , 2009
Minimal mathematics, accessible language, and a student-oriented tone ease readers into complex subjects like money, interest rates, banking, asymmetric information, financial crises and regulation, monetary policy, monetary theory, and other topics.

- OCC , 2011
Terms related to banking, finance, money management, electronic commerce, and legal regulations. An indispensable reference for banking and finance professionals, students, business owners, and consumers. An aid to understanding banking practices.

by Forest E. Myers - Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City , 2010
The goal of this book is to provide directors, especially non-management directors who may have little knowledge about banks and their operation, with basic information to help them be intelligent questioners of risk taking and risk management.

by Murray N. Rothbard - Ludwig Von Mises Institute , 2007
The author presents the most powerful case against the American central bank ever written. This work begins with a mini-treatment of money and banking theory, and then plunges right in with the real history of the Federal Reserve System.

by Philip Booth, at al. - Institute of Economic Affairs , 2009
This book challenges the myth that the recent banking crisis was caused by insufficient statutory regulation of financial markets. The authors propose regulatory tools that are designed to target particular weaknesses in a banking system.

by C. A. Phillips - The MacMillan Company , 1937
This study appeared in 1937 as an analysis of the stock market crash and the great depression that followed. It explores the many theories tossed about at the time. The depression is held to be the consequence of the preceding boom.

by Murray N. Rothbard - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2005
Rothbard's famous monetary essay has influenced two generations of economists and business professionals. After presenting the basics of money and banking theory, the author traces the decline of the dollar from the 18th century to the present.

by Murray Rothbard - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2008
This book unravels the mystery of banking: what is legitimate enterprise and what is a government-backed shell game that can't last. The explanation is clear enough for anyone to follow and yet rigorous enough to be the textbook for college classes.

by Jesús Huerta de Soto - Ludwig von Mises Institute , 2006
Author has made history with this exciting treatise that the market can fully manage the money and banking sector, without inflation, without business cycles, and without the economic instability that has characterized the age of government control.

by Larry J. Sechrest - Mises Institute , 2008
Author argues that the debate over central and free banking is the most important economic issue of the day. He builds a model of central vs. free banking and shows that a competitive system would be self correcting where a centralized one is not.