
Game Theory

e-books in Game Theory category

Book cover: Agent-Based Evolutionary Game DynamicsAgent-Based Evolutionary Game Dynamics
by - Pressbooks ,
This book is a guide to implement simple agent-based evolutionary models using NetLogo. All the models we implement are agent-based, i.e. individual agents and their interactions are explicitly represented in the models ...
Book cover: Games of No Chance 4Games of No Chance 4
by - Cambridge University Press ,
The volume contains the first comprehensive explorations of misère games. It includes a tutorial for the very successful approach to analyzing misère impartial games and the first attempt at using it for misère partisan games.
Book cover: Epistemic Game Theory and LogicEpistemic Game Theory and Logic
by - MDPI AG ,
Game theory addresses situations with multiple agents in which the outcome of an agent's act depends on the acts of the other agents. The agents may be mindless organisms. Epistemic game theory addresses games in which the agents have minds.

Book cover: New Perspectives on Games and InteractionNew Perspectives on Games and Interaction
by - Amsterdam University Press ,
This volume testifies to the importance of game theory as a tool to capture the concepts of strategy, interaction, argumentation, communication, cooperation and competition. It provides evidence for the richness of game theory and its applications.
Book cover: Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision TheoryLogic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory
by - Amsterdam University Press ,
LOFT is a key venue for presenting research at the intersection of logic, economics and computer science, and the present collection gives a lively view of an exciting and rapidly growing area. This volume collects papers presented at the Conference.
Book cover: Game Theory and Institutional EconomicsGame Theory and Institutional Economics
by - MDPI AG ,
This volume pursues the question of the emergence of institutions and hierarchy, analyzes algorithms of strategy change in evolutionary game models, and takes a historical point of view on the development of game theory during the cold war.
Book cover: Game TheoryGame Theory
by - University of California, Davis ,
This is a textbook on non-cooperative Game Theory with 165 solved exercises. It is intended to be rigorous and it includes several proofs. It is appropriate for an undergraduate class in game theory and also for a first-year graduate-level class.
Book cover: Game Theory RelaunchedGame Theory Relaunched
by - InTech ,
New simulation tools and network analysis have made game theory omnipresent these days. This book collects recent research papers in game theory, which come from diverse scientific communities all across the world, and combine many different fields.
Book cover: Introduction to Game TheoryIntroduction to Game Theory
by - BookBoon ,
This textbook provides an overview of the field of game theory which analyses decision situations that have the character of games. The book is suitable as an introductory reading and is meant to sharpen the reader's strategic thinking abilities.
Book cover: Games in VerificationGames in Verification
by - ESSLLI ,
Games have shown to provide a useful paradigm for reasoning about reactive systems. This text demonstrates the power of the game-theoretic approach, by showing how it gives rise to a unifying algorithmic framework through the use of tree automata.
Book cover: Multiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic, and Logical FoundationsMultiagent Systems: Algorithmic, Game-Theoretic, and Logical Foundations
by - Cambridge University Press ,
Multiagent systems consist of multiple autonomous entities having different information and diverging interests. This comprehensive introduction to the field offers a computer science perspective, but also draws on ideas from game theory.
Book cover: Algorithmic Game TheoryAlgorithmic Game Theory
by - Cambridge University Press ,
The subject matter of Algorithmic Game Theory covers many of the hottest area of useful new game theory research, introducing deep new problems, techniques, and perspectives that demand the attention of economists as well as computer scientists.
Book cover: Game Theory: A Nontechnical Introduction to the Analysis of StrategyGame Theory: A Nontechnical Introduction to the Analysis of Strategy
by - Drexel University ,
Striking an appropriate balance of mathematical and analytical rigor, this book teaches by example. Learners typically relate better to examples from their own fields, and McCain provides illustrations everyone can relate to.
Book cover: An Introduction to Quantum Game TheoryAn Introduction to Quantum Game Theory
by - arXiv ,
This essay gives a self-contained introduction to quantum game theory, and is primarily oriented to economists with little or no acquaintance with quantum mechanics. It assumes little more than a basic knowledge of vector algebra.
Book cover: More Games of No ChanceMore Games of No Chance
by - Cambridge University Press ,
This book is a state-of-the-art look at combinatorial games, that is, games not involving chance or hidden information. The book contains articles by some of the foremost researchers and pioneers of combinatorial game theory.
Book cover: Games of No Chance 3Games of No Chance 3
by - Cambridge University Press ,
This fascinating look at combinatorial games, that is, games not involving chance or hidden information, offers updates on standard games such as Go and Hex, on impartial games, and on aspects of games with infinitesimal values.
Book cover: The Compleat Strategyst: Being a Primer on the Theory of Games of StrategyThe Compleat Strategyst: Being a Primer on the Theory of Games of Strategy
by - RAND Corporation ,
When this book was originally published in 1954, game theory was an esoteric and mysterious subject. Its popularity today can be traced at least in part to this book, which popularized the subject for amateurs and professionals throughout the world.
Book cover: Games of Strategy: Theory and ApplicationsGames of Strategy: Theory and Applications
by - RAND Corporation ,
This book introduces readers to the basic concepts of game theory and its applications for military, economic, and political problems, as well as its usefulness in decisionmaking in business, operations research, and behavioral science.
Book cover: Game TheoryGame Theory
by - UCLA ,
In this text, the author presents various mathematical models of games and study the phenomena that arise. The book covers impartial combinatorial games, two-person zero-sum games, two-person general-sum games, and games in coalitional form.
Book cover: Graduate-Level Course in Game TheoryGraduate-Level Course in Game Theory
by ,
Lecture notes from a game-theory course the author taught to students in their second year of the economics PhD program. The material is also helpful to first-year PhD students learning game theory as part of their microeconomic-theory sequence.
Book cover: Strategic Foundations of General EquilibriumStrategic Foundations of General Equilibrium
by - Cambridge University Press ,
This is a book on strategic foundations of the theory of competition. Using insights from game theory, the author develops a model to explain what actually goes on in markets and how a competitive general equilibrium is achieved.
Book cover: Games, Fixed Points and Mathematical EconomicsGames, Fixed Points and Mathematical Economics
by ,
These are lecture notes for a course in game theory. The text covers general concepts of two person games, Brouwer’s fixed point theorem and Nash’s equilibrium theorem, more general equilibrium theorems, cooperative games and differential games.