see also
Cancer (6)
e-books in Oncology category

by Cem Onal (ed.) - InTech , 2018
This is a collection of reviewed research chapters, offering a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of urologic oncology. The book comprises chapters authored by various researchers active in the urologic oncology area.

by Vera C. Mazurak (ed.) - MDPI AG , 2018
The development and treatment of cancer presents a complex interaction between tumor and host. The provision of nutrients provides substrates and signals for immunity, tumor metabolism and the protection of the host from treatment toxicities.

- National Academies Press , 2018
To examine progress in cancer survivorship care, participants highlighted opportunities to improve the planning, management, and delivery of cancer survivorship care. This publication summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop.

by Jessica Fulton, et al. - Department of Veterans Affairs , 2017
Palliative care improves quality of life by managing patients' physical symptoms and psychosocial distress, often provided concurrently with oncology care. Integration of palliative care services with oncology care is now considered standard ...

- International Agency for Research on Cancer , 1994
This volume Evaluates the carcinogenic risk to humans posed by infection with three schistosoma trematodes, three liver flukes and Helicobacter pylori, selected on the basis of a causal association between infection and the development of cancers.

by William H. Ward, Jeffrey M. Farma (eds) - Codon Publications , 2017
The book provides an overview of the epidemiology, pathology, and evidence-based treatment options for patients with all stages of melanoma. These aspects are presented in two sections: epidemiology and pathophysiology, and therapy and management.

by Emmanuel S. Antonarakis (ed.) - MDPI AG , 2018
This Issue initially reviews the role of AR in advanced prostate cancer, and then explores the potential importance of AR signaling in other epithelial malignancies. The first few articles focus on the use of novel AR-targeting therapies ...

by Paul Eggleton, et al. - Frontiers Media SA , 2016
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an organelle crucial to many cellular functions and processes. ER has a well-established central role in anti-tumor immunity. Perhaps best characterized is the role of the ER in the processing of antigen peptides.

by Cem Onal (ed.) - InTech , 2017
Radiotherapy plays a key role in the treatment of many cancer types. This book is intended to bring forward the recent advancements in the field of radiation oncology. It contains many valuable contributions from physicians and medical physicists.

by Jeffrey B. Hoag (ed.) - InTech , 2016
According to the American Cancer Society, more than 1.6 million people will be diagnosed with cancer during this year. Evidence supports rapid activation of critical care services leading to improved outcomes in cancer patients.

by Ke Xu (ed.) - InTech , 2016
Metastasis is the major cause of cancer-related death. The mechanism underlying metastasis is complicated and poorly understood. Recent advances in tumor metastasis research have led to improved diagnosis and clinical management of cancer.

- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence , 2016
This guideline aims to facilitate standardisation of practice in treating non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. But because of the rapid development of new therapies as a result of improved understanding of the disease, continual re-evaluation will be essential.

by Joanna Parish (ed.) - MDPI AG , 2016
In this volume, we seek to explore novel mechanisms of cellular transformation by oncogenic viruses, the role of viral infection in cancer development in understudied body sites and the potential role of novel viral pathogens in cancer development.

- International Agency for Research on Cancer , 2016
This volume provides an assessment of the carcinogenicity of 14 drugs and herbal products. The authors relied on epidemiological studies to evaluate the carcinogenic hazard to humans exposed to the drugs digoxin, pioglitazone and hydrochlorothiazide.

by F.C. Fernandes, L.M. Brasil, R. da Veiga (eds.) - InTech , 2015
Mammography remains at the backbone of medical tools to examine the human breast. The early detection of breast cancer typically uses adjunct tests to mammogram such as ultrasound, positron emission mammography, electrical impedance, and others.

- World Health Organization , 2014
This publication gives a broad vision of what a comprehensive approach to cervical cancer prevention and control means. It outlines the complementary strategies, and highlights the need for collaboration across programmes, organizations and partners.

- National Academies Press , 2014
In recent years, patients' out-of-pocket costs for cancer care have been rising rapidly. These costs include health insurance deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments for covered services, as well as services that are not covered by insurance ...

by Lymphoma Research Foundation - Smashwords , 2014
This guide is an educational resource compiled by the Lymphoma Research Foundation that provides general information on chronic lymphocytic leukemia and small lymphocytic lymphoma. Before starting treatment, patients should discuss the potential benefits

by S.F. Terry, K. Zeitz, M.A. Majumder, P.F. Terry - Genetic Alliance , 2006
In the past several decades, oncologists and cancer researchers have come to recognize the importance of the role of advocacy organizations in cancer research and treatment. This report provides the proactive plan for advocacy involvement ...

- National Academies Press , 2013
Genome-Based Diagnostics assesses the evidentiary requirements for clinical utility of molecular diagnostics used to guide treatment decisions for patients with cancer and considers innovative, sustainable research collaborations ...

by Ahmed O. Kaseb (ed.) - InTech , 2013
Many components of current novel therapeutic modalities for HCC are discussed in the current version of the book within the framework of a multidisciplinary approach with special emphasis on emerging treatment approaches and research strategies.

by E. B. Podgorsak (ed.) - International Atomic Energy Agency , 2005
This book is dedicated to students and teachers involved in programmes that train professionals for work in radiation oncology. It provides a compilation of facts on the physics as applied to radiation oncology and it is useful to graduate students.

- International Atomic Energy Agency , 2011
This publication was developed as part of the IAEA's work on the integrated cancer prevention programmes in order to reduce the cancer burden worldwide. IAEA strategies have particularly focused on the needs of low and middle income countries.

by Margarita Guenova, Gueorgui Balatzenko (eds) - InTech , 2013
The primary objective of this book is to provide the specialists involved in the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic leukemias with a comprehensive and concise information on some important theoretical and practical issues...

by Leticia Rangel (ed.) - InTech , 2013
Cancer Treatment: Conventional and Innovative Approaches is an attempt to integrate into a book volume the various aspects of cancer treatment, compiling comprehensive reviews written by an international team of experts in the field.

by H. Reeves, D.M. Manas, R. Lochan (eds) - InTech , 2013
The prognosis for individuals with liver cancer is frequently poor. The topic of liver tumors is comprehensively reviewed in this book, with a focus on recent developments and improved techniques relevant to both researchers and clinicians.

by Jianyuan Chai (ed.) - InTech , 2013
Angiogenesis is an extension process of the cardiovascular network. It is usually triggered by the demand of oxygen and nutrients from the fast growing tissue and uncontrollably dividing cells, as seen during wound healing and tumor progression.

by Daniela Lazar - InTech , 2013
Gastric cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related death in the world. The book makes an insight into the assessment of premalignant lesions, management of early gastric cancer, risk and protective factors in gastric carcinogenesis.

- National Collaborating Centre for Cancer , 2011
This clinical guideline is relevant to all healthcare professionals who come into contact with patients with colorectal cancer or suspected of having colorectal cancer, as well as to the patients themselves and their carers.

by Paul J. Grippo, Hidayatullah G. Munshi - Transworld Research Network , 2012
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is histologically characterized by a dense desmoplastic reaction surrounding malignant epithelial cells. The DR is composed of ECM proteins, fibroblasts, stellate cells, endothelial cells, immune cells, and neurons.

by Doaa Hashad - InTech , 2012
Cancer remains a major clinical challenge as a cause of death due to its frequent poor prognosis and limited treatment options. This book addresses various cancer management related topics including new approaches for early cancer detection.

by Raimundas Lunevicius - InTech , 2012
The era of therapy for GISTs is being proclaimed as bringing the message of special importance to the pathologist role in multidisciplinary team that are responsible for treating patients with locally advanced or metastatic GIST.

- National Collaborating Centre for Cancer , 2011
These clinical guidelines review a number of clinical questions that involve the detection, diagnosis and initial management of ovarian cancer and which focus on areas of uncertainty or where there is a wide variation in clinical practice.

- American College of Medical Genetics , 1999
The Guidelines have been prepared to help the primary care provider to participate in the pre- and post-test education and counseling required for every patient contemplating genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer.

by Susan K Parsons, et al. - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality , 2011
The book provides a description of noninvasive imaging modalities in diagnosing cancerous tumors of the skin, proffers an analytic framework for assessing the applications of the imaging modalities, and summarizes the state of ongoing research.

by Kimberly K Vesco, et al. - Agency for Healthcare Research , 2011
This systematic review of cervical cancer screening focuses on when to begin screening and on updating test accuracy and harms data on liquid-based cytology (LBC) and human papillomavirus (HPV) testing, either alone or in combination with cytology.

- National Collaborating Centre for Cancer , 2009
These guidelines have been developed to help all those involved in the management of advanced breast cancer. The authors have tried to concentrate on those areas where it was felt uncertainty or practice variation currently exists.

by Robyn Dewis, Jonathan Gribbin - National Collaborating Centre for Cancer , 2009
This is a summary of the current information available regarding the epidemiology of breast cancer regionally, nationally and internationally. Its purpose is to provide the guidelines on early and locally advanced and advanced breast cancer.

by Stanley Shostak - InTech , 2011
The book goes where the cutting edge of research theory meets the challenges of clinical practice. Its text tease apart cancer's vulnerabilities and identify opportunities for early detection, targeted therapy, and reducing remission and resistance.

- National Collaborating Centre for Cancer , 2008
Prostate cancer is one of the commonest cancers in men. There is evidence of practice variation around the country and of patchy availability of certain treatments. The guideline will help to address these issues and offer guidance on best practice.

- Royal College of General Practitioners , 2005
The guideline covers twelve groups of cancers: lung, upper gastrointestinal cancers, lower gastrointestinal cancers, breast cancer, gynaecological cancers, urological cancers, haematological cancers, skin cancers, head and neck cancers, etc.

by Brian Cook, Tomas Dvorak - Wikibooks , 2010
This textbook is meant to be used by residents, medical students, and practicing physicians in radiation oncology. Its main purpose is to be a useful reference for those wishing to gain knowledge about clinical radiation oncology.

by Alecsandru Ioan Baba, Cornel Catoi - Romanian Academy , 2007
Comparative oncology has undergone a special development over the past decades and has attracted the interest of researchers who have studied the etiopathogenesis, morphogenesis and epidemiology, as well as the carcinogens of tumor disease.

by Howard P. Greenwald - University of California Press , 1992
Addressed to health-care professionals and policymakers, this book makes it clear that we are not winning the war against cancer. The author looks at how class, race, sex, and available treatments can affect one's chances of survival.

by Momna Hejmadi - BookBoon , 2009
A short primer on how cancers develop and grow, and a gentle exploration of the fundamental concepts, using examples and key figures for illustration. The book explains six basic principles that inform our current understanding of cancer.

by Douglas L. Riegert-Johnson - NCBI , 2009
Written as a comprehensive reference, it will be a useful reference for clinicians and researchers. This release includes chapters on Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome, Familial Atypical Multiple Mole Melanoma Syndrome, and multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1.

by Nancy E. Adler, Ann E. K. Page - National Academies Press , 2008
Today, it is not possible to deliver high-quality cancer care without using existing approaches, tools, and resources to address patients' psychosocial health needs. This book recommends actions to ensure that this standard is met.

by S. Nass, H. Moses - National Academies Press , 2007
Many cancer patients are diagnosed at a stage in which the cancer is too far advanced to be cured. There is tremendous opportunity to improve the outcome for people with cancer by enhancing detection and treatment approaches.

by James F. Holland, at al. - B.C. Decker , 2000
A reference source for medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, internists, surgical oncologists, and others who treat cancer patients. The book covers the ever-widening sphere of current cancer knowledge and clinical practice.

by Steven A. Frank - Princeton University Press , 2007
The author explains cancer genetics, carcinogens, and aging and provides novel integrative insights. The book emphasizes both the multiscale dynamics of the disease and an approach that synthesizes empirical knowledge with mathematical theory.