Accelerator Physics (16)
Quantum Chromodynamics (18)
Supersymmetry (13)
e-books in Particle Physics category

by V. A. Rubakov - arXiv , 2019
Theoretical hypotheses on the nature of the dark matter particles are numerous, so we concentrate on several candidates, such as WIMPs, axions and sterile neutrinos, and also give examples of more elusive candidates such as fuzzy dark matter.

by Aron J. Beekman, et al. - , 2019
Starting from a careful definition of symmetry in physics, we introduce symmetry breaking and its consequences. Emphasis is placed on the physics of singular limits, showing the reality of symmetry breaking even in small-sized systems.

by S. A. Hartnoll, A. Lucas, S. Sachdev - , 2018
We present a review of theories of states of quantum matter without quasiparticle excitations. Solvable examples of such states are provided through a holographic duality with gravitational theories in an emergent spatial dimension.

by Stephen R. Sharpe - , 1994
My aim is to explain the essentials of lattice calculations, give an update on the present status of calculations of phenomenologically interesting quantities, and to provide an understanding of the various sources of uncertainty in the results.

by Stefano Capitani - , 2002
In this review we explain the main methods and techniques of lattice perturbation theory, focusing on the cases of Wilson and Ginsparg-Wilson fermions. We will illustrate, among other, the peculiarities of perturbative techniques on the lattice ...

by Michael E. Peskin - , 2017
The topics discussed: 1) the experimental basis of the V-A structure of the weak interaction; 2) precision electroweak measurements at the Z resonance; 3) the Goldstone Boson Equivalence Theorem; 4) the Standard Model theory of the Higgs boson; etc.

by Herbi K. Dreiner, et al. - arXiv , 2016
We present the screenplay of a physics show on particle physics, by the Physikshow of Bonn University. The show is addressed at non-physicists aged 14+ and communicates basic concepts of particle physics including the discovery of the Higgs boson.

by Waldemar Alfredo Monteiro (ed.) - InTech , 2016
The book covers inelastic scattering cross sections for neutron; polarized neutron reflectivity; scattering methods; neutron reflectometry tool to probe the chemical structures; neutron scattering for amino acid crystals; and more ...

by Avelino Vicente - arXiv , 2015
In this course we will learn how to use the computer tools -- such as SARAH, MicrOmegas, MadGraph, SPheno or FlavorKit -- to explore new physics models and get robust numerical predictions to probe them in current and future experiments.

by Michael Strickland - arXiv , 2014
I review the material presented in three introductory lectures. I review the derivation of ideal and second-order viscous hydrodynamics from kinetic theory. I then show how to extend the methods used to a system that can be highly anisotropic...

by Makoto Natsuume - arXiv , 2014
The aim of this book is to provide background materials such as string theory, general relativity, nuclear physics, nonequilibrium physics, and condensed-matter physics as well as some key applications of the AdS/CFT duality in a single textbook.

by R.Z. Funchal, B. Schmauch, G. Giesen - arXiv , 2013
We start by giving a panorama of neutrino experiments. We briefly discuss the history of neutrinos, their experimental discovery, the quest for neutrino flavor oscillations and the experiments that finally established them ...

by E. Leader, C. Lorce - arXiv , 2013
The general question, crucial to the internal structure of nucleon, of how to split the total angular momentum of a photon or gluon into spin and orbital contributions is one of the most important and interesting challenges faced by gauge theories.

by R.K. Bock, A. Vasilescu - CERN, Geneva , 1999
This is a handbook, or an extended glossary, written in encyclopedic format, covering subjects around particle detectors, the underlying physics, and the analysis of their data. It is both introduction for newcomers and reference for physicists.

by Marcel Merk - Nikhef , 2011
These are lecture notes to the 1-st year master course. Topics covered: Concepts and History; Electrodynamics of spinless particles; Electrodynamics of spin 1/2 particles; The Weak interaction; Electroweak scattering: The Standard Model.

by Jenny Thomas - University College London , 2000
These notes will provide introductory coverage of modern particle physics, complete coverage of nuclear physics principals relevant to modern day nuclear physics usage, and comprehensive coverage of principals of particle detection and measurement.

by S. Gasiorowicz, P. Langacker - University of Pennsylvania , 2005
Elementary-particle physics deals with the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions. In this comprehensive article we shall attempt to sketch the outlines of the standard model and its possible extensions.

by Bengt Friman & Jörn Knoll - GSI , 2012
Content: Kinematics; Scattering theory; Thermodynamics of strongly interacting matter; Transport in theory and practice; Chiral symmetry in vacuum and at finite density; The properties of hadrons in dense / hot matter and possible signatures.

by Jean Iliopoulos - arXiv , 2013
These are lectures which I gave at the 2012 CERN Summer School. They cover the basics of gauge symmetries and the phenomenon of spontaneous symmetry breaking which are used in the construction of the Standard Model of the Electro-Weak Interactions.

by Dan Kabat - Lehman College , 2011
Contents: The particle zoo; Flavor SU(3) and the eightfold way; Quark properties; Chiral spinors and helicity amplitudes; Spontaneous symmetry breaking; Chiral symmetry breaking; Effective field theory and renormalization; and more.

by Guido Altarelli - arXiv , 2013
These are graduate lecture notes on Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and the theory of Electroweak (EW) Interactions, with main focus on Collider Physics. I hope that these lectures can provide an introduction to the subject for the interested reader.

by Alessandro Sfondrini - arXiv , 2012
These lecture notes have been written for a short introductory course on universality and renormalization group techniques given at the VIII Modave School in Mathematical Physics, intended for PhD students and researchers new to these topics.

by Eugene Kennedy - InTech , 2012
Interest in particle physics continues among scientists and the general public. This book includes theoretical aspects, with chapters outlining the generation model and a charged Higgs boson model as alternative scenarios to the Standard Model.

by Niels Walet - UMIST , 2003
In these lecture notes the author shall discuss nuclear and particle physics on a somewhat phenomenological level. The mathematical sophistication shall be rather limited, with an emphasis on the physics and on symmetry aspects.

by Guy D. Moore - McGill University , 2003
The object is to introduce the ideas behind lattice gauge theory, with an intended audience of quantum field theorists with no lattice experience. The author concentrates on field theory aspects which are elucidated by lattice gauge theory.

by A. De Roeck, R.S. Thorne - arXiv , 2011
Structure functions are a measure of the partonic structure of hadrons. This is an overview on present structure function and related data, and on the techniques used to extract parton distribution functions to describe the structure of the proton.

by Andrei Linde - arXiv , 2005
Linde offers a thorough investigation of modern cosmology and its relation to elementary particle physics, including a large introductory section containing a complete discussion of inflationary cosmology for those not yet familiar with the theory.

by Thomas Teubner - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory , 2008
From the table of contents: QED as an Abelian Gauge Theory; Non-Abelian Gauge Theories; Quantum Chromodynamics; Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking; The Standard Model with one Family; Additional Generations; Neutrinos; Supersymmetry.

by J. W. F. Valle - arXiv , 2006
Seesaw-type and low-scale models of neutrino masses are reviewed, along with the corresponding structure of the lepton mixing matrix. The status of neutrino oscillation parameters as of June 2006 is given, including recent fluxes.

by F. J. Yndurain - arXiv , 2007
The following notes are the basis for a graduate course. They are oriented towards the application of group theory to particle physics, although some of it can be used for general quantum mechanics. They have no pretense of mathematical rigor.

by Robert N. Cahn - The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing , 1984
Designed to acquaint students of particle physics with techniques applicable to all simple Lie algebras, this text is especially suited to the study of grand unification theories. Subjects include simple roots and the Cartan matrix, and more.

by Benjamin Grinstein - arXiv , 1995
Introductory lectures (delivered at the VI Mexican School of Particles and Fields) on heavy quarks and heavy quark effective field theory. Applications to inclusive semileptonic decays and to interactions with light mesons are covered in detail.

by Subir Sarkar - arXiv , 1996
We first present a pedagogical account of relativistic cosmology and primordial nucleosynthesis, discussing both theoretical and observational aspects, and then examine such constraints in detail, in particular those pertaining to new particles.

by Robert H. Brandenberger - arXiv , 1997
Modern cosmology has created a tight link between particle physics / field theory and a wealth of new observational data on the structure of the Universe. These notes focus on some aspects concerning the connection between theory and observations.

by R. D. Peccei - arXiv , 1999
These lectures describe some aspects of the physics of massive neutrinos. After a brief introduction of neutrinos in the Standard Model, the author discusses possible patterns for their masses. A discussion of Dirac and Majorana masses is included.

by Hajime Ishimori, at al. - arXiv , 2010
The authors review pedagogically non-Abelian discrete groups, which play an important role in the particle physics. They show group-theoretical aspects for many concrete groups, such as representations, their tensor products.

by Alessandro Strumia, Francesco Vissani - arXiv , 2010
The authors review experimental and theoretical results related to neutrino physics with emphasis on neutrino masses and mixings, and outline possible lines of development. The physics is presented in a simple way, avoiding unnecessary formalisms.

by Walter Wilcox - Baylor University , 1992
This is an introductory text, it includes material which overlaps with particle physics, including a number of interesting models as well as material on identical particles. The ideas of quantum mechanics are introduced via Process Diagrams.

by Luis Anchordoqui, Francis Halzen - arXiv , 2009
This is a preliminary draft of lecture notes for a (500 level) course in elementary particles. From the table of contents: General Principles; Symmetries and Invariants; QED; Hard Scattering Processes; Precision Electroweak Physics.

by Paolo Franzini - University of Rome , 2009
The Electromagnetic Interaction; The Weak Interaction; Strangeness; Quark Mixing; Quantum Chromodynamics; Hadron Spectroscopy; High Energy Scattering; The Electro-weak Interaction; Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, the Higgs Scalar; etc.

by M. Robinson, K. Bland, G. Cleaver, J. Dittmann, T. Ali - arXiv , 2008
An introduction to the relevant mathematical and physical ideas that form the foundation of Particle Physics, including Group Theory, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory and Interactions, Abelian and Non-Abelian Gauge Theory, etc.

by L. Alvarez-Gaume - Elsevier , 2008
This Review summarizes much of particle physics. We list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We also summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as Higgs bosons and heavy neutrinos.

by Wolfgang Bietenholz - arXiv , 2008
This is an introductory review about the on-going search for a signal of Lorentz Invariance Violation (LIV) in cosmic rays. The author first summarizes basic aspects of cosmic rays, focusing on rays of ultra high energy (UHECRs).

by Clifford V. Johnson - arXiv , 2000
A collection of lecture notes on D-branes, which may be used as preparation for applications to modern research applications such as the AdS/CFT and other gauge theory/geometry correspondences, Matrix Theory and stringy non-commutative geometry, etc.

by Grigory E. Volovik - Oxford University Press , 2003
There are fundamental relations between two vast areas of physics: particle physics and cosmology (micro- and macro-worlds). The main goal of this book is to establish and define the connection of these two fields with condensed matter physics.

by U. A. Yajnik - arXiv , 2008
We begin with a recapitulation of General Relativity, and the Standard Model of Cosmology. This is followed by lectures on inflation, density perturbations, study of hot and cold relics decoupled from the remaining constituents, and baryon asymmetry.

by Eugene V. Stefanovich , 2008
A non-traditional perspective on space, time, particles, fields, and action-at-a-distance. This book is an attempt to build a consistent relativistic quantum theory of interacting particles. The developed theory is applied to realistic physical objects.

by Frank W. K. Firk - Orange Grove Texts Plus , 2000
This is an introduction to group theory, with an emphasis on Lie groups and their application to the study of symmetries of the fundamental constituents of matter. The text was written for seniors and advanced juniors, majoring in the physical sciences.