see also
e-books in Fluid Mechanics category
by Matthew Marko - viXra , 2017
The author demonstrates a stable Lagrangian solid modeling method, tracking the interactions of solid mass particles, rather than using a meshed grid. This method avoids the problem of tensile instability seen with Smooth Particle Applied Mechanics.
by Simon J.A. Malham - Heriot-Watt University , 2011
Contents: Introduction; Fluid flow; Trajectories and streamlines; Conservation of mass; Balance of momentum; Transport theorem; Simple example flows; Kelvin's circulation theorem; Bernoulli's Theorem; Irrotational/potential flow; etc.
by Stephen Childress - New York University , 2008
This course will deal with a mathematical idealization of common fluids. The main idealization is embodied in the notion of a continuum and our 'fluids' will generally be identified with a certain connected set of points in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions.
by Mateusz Dyndal, Laurent Schoeffel - arXiv , 2014
There are many deep open questions that come with the theory of fluid mechanics. We discuss some of them that we classify in two categories, the long term behavior of solutions of equations of hydrodynamics and the definition of initial conditions.
by Laurent Schoeffel - arXiv , 2014
These lecture notes have been prepared as a first course in fluid mechanics up to the presentation of the millennium problem listed by the Clay Mathematical Institute. Our primary goal is to debunk this beautiful problem as much as possible.
by Edwin H. Barton - Longmans, Green , 1915
In writing this book, while preserving the usual rigour, the endeavour has been made to impart to it by the character of the illustrations and examples, a modern and practical flavour which will render it more widely useful. The calculus is not used.
by Taha Sochi - arXiv , 2013
The flow of fluids at branching junctions plays important roles in most biological flow systems. The present paper highlights some key issues related to the flow of fluids at these junctions with special emphasis on the biological flow networks.
by M. E. Cates - arXiv , 2012
These lectures start with the mean field theory for a symmetric binary fluid mixture, addressing interfacial tension, the stress tensor, and the equations of motion (Model H). We then consider the phase separation kinetics of such a mixture.
by Michael Twardos - , 2004
This text is intended to be a general but comprehensive overview on physical phenomena associated with the marine environment. The author provides his own perspective on this field from his particular experiences and training.
by David Lentink - Wageningen University , 2008
Many organisms move through water or air in order to survive and reproduce. It is useful to analyze fluid motion as a collection of vortices: vortices interact with the moving organism, interact with each other, and evolve independently in time.
by Horace Lamb - Cambridge University Press , 1895
Constantly in use since its first publication in 1879, this book is the definitive reference for all fluid dynamicists. Despite the pace of modern research and the advent of high-speed computers, Lamb's work remains a relevant, timeless classic.
by Philippe Marmottant - Wikibooks , 2010
Microfluidics is the science of fluid flows at the microscopic scale. This book will deal with the basic physical principles involved in microfluidics. We hope it will provide a background knowledge to consult more specialized books or article.
by Freddy Bouchet, Antoine Venaille - arXiv , 2011
The theoretical study of the self-organization of two-dimensional and geophysical turbulent flows is addressed based on statistical mechanics methods. This review is a self-contained presentation of classical and recent works on this subject.
by Igor V. Minin, Oleg V. Minin - InTech , 2011
This is a state-of-art reference book in the area of computational fluid dynamics for CFD engineers, scientists, applied physicists and post-graduate students. The book also presents new and innovative CFD research and developments.
by Jean-Luc Thiffeault - arXiv , 2011
Mixing is relevant to many areas of science and engineering, including the pharmaceutical and food industries, oceanography, atmospheric sciences, etc. In all these situations one goal is to improve the degree of homogenisation of a substance.
by Joseph M. Powers - University of Notre Dame , 2011
Lecture notes on intermediate fluid mechanics: Derivation of governing equations of mass, momentum, and energy for a viscous, compressible fluid; general survey of vortex dynamics, potential flow, viscous flow, and compressible flow.
by Denis Bernard - arXiv , 2000
Series of lectures on statistical turbulence written for amateurs but not experts. Elementary aspects and problems of turbulence in two and three dimensional Navier-Stokes equation are introduced. A few properties of scalar turbulence are described.
by John V. Wehausen, Edmund V. Laitone - Springer , 1960
Since its first publication this article has been an inspirational resource for students and researchers in the various fields of science and engineering. This may be attributed to its encyclopedic scope and to the scholarly efforts of the authors.
by A. Tsionskiy, M. Tsionskiy - arXiv , 2010
Solutions of the Navier-Stokes and Euler equations with initial conditions (Cauchy problem) for two and three dimensions are obtained in the convergence series form by the iterative method using the Fourier and Laplace transforms in this paper.
by Leonard Bairstow - Longmans, Green , 1920
The work aims at the extraction of principles of flight from, and the illustration of the use of, detailed information on aeronautics now available from many sources. The subject of aerodynamics is almost wholly based on experiment.
by Mahendra K. Verma - arXiv , 2020
Fluid and plasma flows exhibit complex random behaviour, called turbulence. This text is a brief introduction to the statistical theory of fluid turbulence, with emphasis on field-theoretic treatment of renormalized viscosity and energy fluxes.
by Harvey Philip Greenspan - Breukelen Press , 1990
The author's intention was to provide a foundation for the support and promotion of research in rotating fluids. The text concentrates on those topics which the author considers fundamental, of central importance to most the areas of application.
by Hyoung Woo Oh - InTech , 2010
This book is intended to serve as a reference text for advanced scientists and research engineers to solve a variety of fluid flow problems using computational fluid dynamics. Chapters are contributed by the practiced experts in the field.
by J. J. Stoker - Interscience Publishers , 1957
Offers an integrated account of the mathematical hypothesis of wave motion in liquids with a free surface, subjected to gravitational and other forces. Uses both potential and linear wave equation theories, together with applications.
by Garrelt Mellema - Leiden University , 2003
An introduction to the field of numerical hydrodynamics. It will give you some insight in what is involved in such calculations. Numerical hydrodynamics is used in many parts of astrophysics. The applications we consider in this exercise are stellar.
by T. H. Pulliam - NASA , 2005
Implicit finite difference schemes for solving two dimensional and three dimensional Euler and Navier-Stokes equations will be addressed. The methods are demonstrated in fully vectorized codes for a CRAY type architecture.
by Johan Hoffman, Johan Jansson, Claes Johnson , 2009
This book presents a mathematical theory of sailing based on a combination of analysis and computation. This new theory is fundamentally different from that envisioned in the classical theories for lift in inviscid flow and for drag in viscous flow.
by David J. Raymond - New Mexico Tech , 2009
A graduate course in the physics of atmospheric convection: Governing equations of fluid dynamics; Convection and turbulence; Thermodynamics of moist convection; Simple models of convection; Microphysics of convection; Convection and the environment.
by Johan Hoffman, Johan Jansson, Claes Johnson , 2012
A theory of subsonic flight based on a combination of analysis and computation. We uncover a mechanism for the generation of substantial lift at the expense of small drag of a wing, which is fundamentally different from the classical theories.
by Johan Hoffman, Claes Johnson - Springer , 2007
In this book we address mathematical modeling of turbulent fluid flow, and its many mysteries that have haunted scientist over the centuries. We approach these mysteries using a synthesis of computational and analytical mathematics.
by Abdulnaser Sayma - BookBoon , 2009
This book provides the basics of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) appropriate to modern day undergraduate study. The aim is to bridge the gap between books focusing on detailed theoretical analysis and commercial software user's guides.
by A. N. Varchenko, P. I. Etingof - American Mathematical Society , 1992
This book concerns the problem of evolution of a round oil spot surrounded by water when oil is extracted from a well inside the spot. It turns out that the boundary of the spot remains an algebraic curve of degree four in the course of evolution.
by Christopher E. Brennen - Cambridge University Press , 2005
The book for graduate students and researchers at the cutting edge of investigations into the fundamental nature of multiphase flows. It is intended as a reference book for the basic methods used in the treatment of multiphase flows.
by Genick Bar–Meir , 2008
This book describes the fundamentals of compressible flow phenomena for engineers and others. It can be used as a reference book for people who have some knowledge of the basics of fundamental fluid mechanics, calculus, and physics.
by Genick Bar-Meir , 2008
Introductory textbook for the fluid mechanics in undergraduate classes for engineering/science students. It can be used as a reference book for people who have at least some basics knowledge of science areas such as calculus, physics, etc.
by Edward Nelson - Princeton University Press , 1969
Lecture notes for a course on differential equations covering differential calculus, Picard's method, local structure of vector fields, sums and Lie products, self-adjoint operators on Hilbert space, commutative multiplicity theory, and more.