e-books in Ancient History category
by Henri Frankfort - Doubleday & Company, Inc. , 1956
A full description of the birth of civilization in the Near East would require a work many times the size of the present book. We have concentrated on the social and political innovations in which the great change became manifest.
by Jan N. Bremmer - De Gruyter Open , 2014
This book explores ancient mystery cults and their influence on emerging Christianity. The author discusses the famous Eleusian Mysteries as well as lesser-known Greek and Roman mysteries, offering an in-depth analysis of this fascinating phenomenon.
by Désiré Charnay - Chapman & Hall , 1887
I recount the history of a civilisation which has long passed away, which is hardly known. My explorations led me to the uplands of Mexico, the first establishments of the civilising race, and enabled me to trace the Toltecs step by step ...
by Tom Green - ManyBooks , 2010
Provides a detailed overview of trading activity in the Roman and Byzantine Mediterranean, grounded in recent archaeological research. It is argued that free trade played a significant role in the nature of trading in Classical and Late Antiquity.
by John Pentland Mahaffy - Putnam , 1887
The story of the conquests of Alexander has been told many times, but the history of the portions of the great Empire that he founded, how they lost their independence, and finally were absorbed into the dominions of Rome, is less well known.
by Edward Bulwer-Lytton - G. Routledge , 1837
Since it is the letters, yet more than the arms or the institutions of Athens, which have rendered her illustrious, it is my object to combine an elaborate view of her literature with a complete and impartial account of her political transactions.
by A. H. L. Heeren - D. A. Talboys , 1833
The work combines the convenience of the Manuals with the synchronistic method of instruction; as the geography, chronology, and biography of the countries and states of the ancient world are brought at once under the eye of the reader.
by J. B. Bury - Cambridge University Press , 1928
Designed as the first part of a continuous history of European peoples. Starting with the remote and dim beginnings, the Ancient History will go down to the victory of Constantine the Great, the point at which the Medieval takes up the story.
by J. B. Bury - MacMillan , 1905
Contents: Beginnings of Greece and the heroic age; Expansion of Greece; Growth of Sparta; Union of Attica and the foundation of the Athenian democracy; Advance of Persia to the Aegean; Persian and Punic invasions; Foundation of the Athenian empire.
by George Willis Botsford - The MacMillan Company , 1913
This book presents Ancient History as a unit, comprising three closely related parts, the Orient, Greece, and Rome. It is adapted to beginning classes in the high school, it is for those who need a brief and elementary treatment of ancient times.
by Plutarch
A brilliant social history of the ancient world by one of the greatest biographers of all time. In his most famous and influential work, Plutarch reveals the character and personality of his subjects and how they led ultimately to tragedy or victory.
by Andrew Lang
The aim of 'Homer and His Age' is to prove that the Homeric Epics as wholes and apart from passages gravely suspected in antiquity present a perfectly harmonious picture of the entire life and civilization of one single age.
by Jacob Abbott - Harper & Brothers , 1902
Alexander the Great created one of the largest empires in ancient history. The cultural impact of his conquests lasted for centuries. Alexander is is remembered for his tactical ability and for spreading Greek civilization into the East.
by Thucydides
This is an account of the Peloponnesian War in Ancient Greece, fought between Sparta and Athens. It was written by Thucydides, an Athenian general who served in the war. It is regarded as one of the earliest scholarly works of history.
by Herodotus - J. M. Dent , 1910
Combining his interests and curiosity about the customs and workings of humankind, the 'Father of History' gives us an unforgettable account of the great clash between Greece and the Persian Empire. A matchless study of persons, places, and events.
by G. E. R. Lloyd - University of California Press , 1989
Lloyd's masterly book offers a fascinating and persuasive picture of ancient Greek scientists at work, a complex analysis involving a wide range of issues. Lloyd handles the labyrinthine and often problematic evidence with delicacy and skill.
by Jon D. Mikalson - University of California Press , 1998
Drawing from epigraphical, historical, literary, and archaeological sources, Mikalson traces the religious cults and beliefs of Athenians from the battle of Chaeroneia in 338 B.C. to the devastation of Athens by Sulla in 86 B.C.
by Samuel Butler - Richard Clay & Sons , 1907
The original author of the present Atlas is Samuel Butler, in his way a famous geographer. The work was at a later date twice revised, and its maps were re-drawn. It has now been again revised and enlarged to suit the special needs of this series.
by Peter Green - University of California Press , 1996
History, like Herakleitos' river, never stands still. This collection of essays shares a collective sense of discovery and a sparking of new ideas -- it is a welcome beginning to the reexploration of a fascinatingly complex age.
by Robert Morstein Kallet-Marx - University of California Press , 1996
In one of the most important contributions to the study of Roman imperialism to appear in recent years, Robert Kallet-Marx argues for a less simplistic, more fluid understanding of the evolution of Roman power in the Balkans, Greece, and Asia Minor.
by C. W. Fornara, L. J. Samons - University of California Press , 1991
This book covers the history of the Alcmeonid family of Cleisthenes and Pericles, the nature and development of Athenian democracy, the growth of Athenian empire, and the burgeoning antagonism between Athens and Sparta.
by Donald A. Mackenzie - The Gresham Publishing Company , 1914
The book deals with the myths and legends of Babylonia and Assyria. They reflect the civilization in which they developed. A historical narrative is provided, beginning with the early Sumerian age and ending with the periods of the Grecian Empire.
by D. G. Hogarth - H. Holt , 1915
The area we shall survey in 1000 B.C. and re-survey at intervals, contains Western Asia bounded eastwards by a line drawn from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea. This area is marked off by seas on three sides and by desert on the fourth side.
by A.H.J. Greenidge - MacMillan , 1914
Lucid and highly readable overview of a difficult and little understood aspect of Greek history: its public law, not just how it was structured but how it behaved in action. Perfect for university students and amateur historians.
by Theophilus G. Pinches - Archard Constable and Co. , 1906
The religion of the Babylonians and Assyrians was the polytheistic faith professed by the peoples inhabiting the Tigris and Euphrates valleys from the dawn of history until the Christian era began, the period covered is about 5000 years.
by Herbert J. Spinden , 1917
Written by an expert on the topic and provides a concise history of the ancient cultures of Mexico and Central America. Any interested in early anthropology works will relish this survey, essential to a beginning study of the region and its history.