Aviation (25)
Crime & Criminals (26)
Education (53)
Journalism (11)
Politics (45)
Social Sciences (37)
e-books in Nonfiction category
by Jamie Woodcock - Pluto Press , 2016
Woodcock worked undercover in a call centre to gather insights into the experiences of call centre workers. He shows how this work has become emblematic of the shift towards a post-industrial service economy, and all the issues that this produces.
by Heta Pyrhönen, Janna Kantola - UCL Press , 2018
This book places reading in current literary and cultural contexts in order to analyse how these contexts challenge our conceptions of who reads, what reading is, how we read, where we read, and for what purposes - and then responds to the questions.
by Edmund Christopherson - Yellowstone Publications , 1962
The book is a riveting account of the deadly 7.5 earthquake that struck Yellowstone Park in 1959. Also known as the Yellowstone Earthquake, the disaster caused massive flooding and the worst landslide in the history of the Northwestern United States.
by Martha Peaslee Levine (ed.) - InTech , 2017
The authors ask us to consider whether the perception of beauty has been defined by our genetics and culture over the years. Has it grown and changed? Can we divorce ourselves from dictates and sink into a mindful connection with our internal beauty?
by Kurt Butler - Smashwords , 2016
Exposes the corrupt symbiosis between the corporate mass media and New Age health fraud industries. How the dishonest media have indoctrinated an entire generation into mistrusting science, and believing nonsense and lies about health and medicine.
by Frederick A. Talbot - J. B. Lippincott Co. , 1913
This volume is not a history of lightships and lighthouses; neither is it a technical treatise. Rather my object has been to relate how the difficulties have been overcome by the builders in their efforts to mark some terrible danger-spots ...
- Wikibooks , 2015
This work is a supplementary text for coaches who train athletes aged between 6 and 18 years old to participate in running events. It is intended to function as a review of available research and as a set of guidelines on how to apply that research.
by Michelle Smith - Smashwords , 2015
Becoming a parent is a scary thing. Even more scary when we see how some of the kids around us act. Oops! takes you through the top nine reasons that kids act rotten. It teaches you what to avoid and how to raise a happy, well-adjusted little person.
by Eben E. Rexford - Harper & Brothers , 1916
Anyone who owns a bit of land, and has some time that can be given to garden-work, and an inclination to do so, can make a gardener of himself in a season if he allows himself to be governed by the advice of someone who has had some experience ...
by Marv Dunphy - Smashwords , 2014
This is the ultimate book for learning volleyball and increasing your skills as a volleyball player. Dr. Marv Dunphy is NCAA championship coach. The book covers all needed volleyball skills as well as team offensive and defensive options.
by Alan Barker - Bookboon , 2013
Writing an essay means more than finding and recording facts. It means thinking critically. How to Write an Essay will make life easier for you. It will help you produce an essay that your tutor will appreciate, and that will do you credit.
by Charles Gardner Wheeler - G.P. Putnam's sons , 1900
The aim is to suggest to amateurs of all ages many things which they can make of wood, and to start them in the way to work successfully. Great care has been taken to include only what can be done by an intelligent boy of from ten to eighteen.
by Lester R. Brown - W. W. Norton & Company , 2009
For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, we have begun investing in energy sources that can last forever. Plan B 4.0 explores both the nature of this transition to a new energy economy and how it will affect our daily lives.
by Susan George - Penguin , 1986
Malnutrition and starvation are not the result of over-population, of poor climate or lack of cultivatable land. The reason why hunger exists on such a vast scale is because world food supplies are controlled by the rich for the wealthy consumer.
by Jacobus Kotze - Project Gutenber , 2012
It is an unfortunate fact that Westerners are kidnapped in Africa whilst on business. Very few discuss this topic for obvious reasons. This guide gives you the basics to survive not only as a hostage but your Employer to make the right decisions.
by Donald Keyhoe , 1950
In a personal style, Keyhoe provides the details of his investigation; he talks with witnesses and reviews the fascinating history of the phenomenon. The book was highly influential, and gave birth to a mythology that has lasted to the present.
by Frank Chimero - , 2012
A book about design as a method to plan and create change. It documents the hidden steps of the creative process to produce a field guide for the emerging skillset: improvising, creating frameworks, storytelling, and delighting audiences.
by A. L. A. Himmelwright - Outing Publishing Company , 1916
The object of this volume is to supply practical information on pistol and revolver shooting. The author has attempted to treat the subject in a clear and concise manner, to give sound advice and elementary instruction to beginners.
by Anonymous - , 2012
This book contains commentary on many topics that religious people preach from misunderstanding. This cognitive gap must be filled for it is inherently harmful to believe falsehoods, worse still to pass ignorance on to the next generation.
by Michael J. Darnell - Baddesigns.Com , 2010
Scrapbook of illustrated examples of things that are hard to use because they do not follow human factors principles. The purpose of the book is to provide a variety of examples of bad designs - everyday things that cause people to become confused.
by Eric Garner - BookBoon , 2012
This book will cover all kinds of thinking skills and will make you see that your brain is the most powerful organ you possess. It is the tool that can help you perform better in your job, better in your team and better in your organization.
- Wikibooks , 2010
This is a wikibook created by students and teachers of Technical and Professional Writing. It is intended to be used as a guide for anything from writing a resume and cover letter to a company memo, report, or proposal once you are on the job.
by Dale Carnegie - ManyBooks , 1915
The best way to become a confident, effective public speaker, according to the authors of this landmark book, is simply to do it. Practice, practice, practice. Have something to say. Be absorbed by your subject. And most importantly, expect success.
by John Fitzgerald - Callan Press , 2011
There are many books promoting blood sports in shops and libraries nationwide. This is one of the very few that offers an anti-blood sports perspective and may prove useful to readers of all ages and and to students undertaking research projects.
by D. Buckingham, M. Pini, R. Willett - University of Michigan Press , 2011
The book represents one of the few academic research studies exploring the everyday use of video production technology, looking particularly at how families use and engage with the technology and how it fits into the routines of everyday life.
by Annie Wood Besant - Freethought Publishing Company , 1885
The path from Christianity to Atheism is a long one, and its first steps are very rough and very painful; the feet tread on the ruins of the broken faith, and the sharp edges cut into the bleeding flesh; but further on the path grows smoother ...
- U.S. Department of State , 2008
The United States is the most ethnically and culturally diverse nation the world has ever seen. Sketchbook USA lavishly illustrates many aspects of American life. These excerpts depict Americans at work, at play, and engaging in civic activities.
- U.S. Department of State , 2010
This picture book depicts Americans at every stage of life, from children to senior citizens, at work, home, and play. The photographs illustrate the tight community bonds that Americans form in every part of the country.
by Johann Christoph Arnold - The Plough Publishing House , 2007
A book for everyone who cares about parenting children, 'Endangered: Your Child in a Hostile World' will renew your confidence that no matter how great the odds, the love we give children is still the most decisive factor.
by Central Intelligence Agency - Project Gutenberg , 2011
From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, The CIA World Factbook 2010 offers complete and up-to-date information on the world's nations. This guide has been updated with detailed information on politics, populations, military expenditures, economics, and more.
- , 2021
The Social Security Handbook provides information about Social Security programs and services, and identifies rights and obligations under the Social Security laws. The Handbook also contains information about related programs.
by Ambrose Bierce - Project Gutenberg , 2005
Ambrose Bierce is known for being unsentimental, dark, and so full of vehemence. A Cynic Looks at Life is a collection of essays in which he talks about modern civilization and all its faults, the death penalty and many others.
by John Coulter - United Publishers of America , 1900
In presenting a chronicle of the frightful visitation of hurricane and flood upon the City of Galveston, which unparalleled calamity occurred in 1900, the utmost care has been taken to make the record of the catastrophe complete in every particular.
by Olivier Maurel , 2005
This book is a gift to the millions of young people who are yet to become parents. A gift also and especially to every child yet to be born whose parents will have had the good fortune to read it. Children should never be beaten.
by William Godwin - F. J. Mason , 1834
An overview of the lives and legends of historic individuals associated with the magical arts. Godwin presents a fascinating overview of mankind's obsession with the magical arts and the impact that obsession has on the collective psyche.
by Ilja van Roon - Lucid Communication , 2006
This book aims to improve your writing skills by teaching you how to use the principles of business writing. These principles - focus, purpose, meaning, substance, structure, clarity and humility - have been derived from the author's experiences.