
Social Sciences

e-books in Social Sciences category

Book cover: Fighting Fake FactsFighting Fake Facts
by - MDPI Books ,
This is a timely exploration of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. The book offers scientific strategies to counteract false information. It is a valuable read for understanding and combating the spread of fake facts.
Book cover: The Fabulous Future?The Fabulous Future?
by - Northwestern University Press ,
Will the future be one of economic expansion, greater tolerance, liberating inventions, and longer, happier lives? Or do we face economic stagnation, declining quality of life, and a technologically enhanced totalitarianism worse than any yet seen?
Book cover: On the Dual Uses of Science and EthicsOn the Dual Uses of Science and Ethics
by - ANU Press ,
Claims about the transformations enabled by modern science and medicine have been accompanied by an unsettling question in recent years: might the knowledge being produced undermine -- rather than further -- human and animal well being?

Book cover: Urban AgglomerationUrban Agglomeration
by - InTech ,
People living in rural areas migrate to urban areas to secure better qualities of life, education, and health. These appealing features have led to rapid population growth in urban areas, which has resulted in problems that need to be solved ...
Book cover: Mobile Research MethodsMobile Research Methods
by - Ubiquity Press ,
The use of mobile devices to collect and analyse research data is explored here. This book focuses on the use of mobile devices in various contexts, aiming to provide a detailed and updated knowledge on what is a comparatively new field of study.
Book cover: Investing in Young Children for Peaceful SocietiesInvesting in Young Children for Peaceful Societies
- National Academies Press ,
Researchers, policy makers, program practitioners, funders, youth, and other experts came together to understand the effects of conflict and violence on children, women, and youth across areas of health, education, nutrition, social protection, etc.
Book cover: Meet Me at the Fair: A World's Fair ReaderMeet Me at the Fair: A World's Fair Reader
by - ETC Press ,
The authors investigate world's fairs in their multiple aspects: political, sociological, commercial, popular... The volume presents its own phantasmagoria of disciplinary perspectives, historical periods, geographical locales, media, and messages.
Book cover: Forced Migration and MortalityForced Migration and Mortality
- National Academies Press ,
The book examines mortality patterns in complex humanitarian emergencies, reviewing the state of knowledge, as well as how patterns may change in the new century. It contains four case studies of mortality in recent emergencies ...
Book cover: Alternate Reality Games For Behavioral and Social Science ResearchAlternate Reality Games For Behavioral and Social Science Research
by - ETC Press ,
Alternate reality games may be able to fill gaps left by traditional studies in the behavioral and social sciences. This book examines the potential strengths of ARG-based social science research and the challenges that remain to be overcome ...
Book cover: Globalization and the City: Two Connected Phenomena in Past and PresentGlobalization and the City: Two Connected Phenomena in Past and Present
by - Innsbruck University Press ,
This book is dedicated to contribute to the growing literature connecting the history of cities worldwide and their relation to global processes. The authors do so from various disciplinary backgrounds and by referring to different times and places.
Book cover: Contagion of ViolenceContagion of Violence
- National Academies Press ,
In exploring the occurrence of violence, researchers have recognized the tendency for violent acts to cluster, to spread from place to place, and to mutate from one type to another. Violent acts are often preceded or followed by other violent acts.
Book cover: Aging and the MacroeconomyAging and the Macroeconomy
- National Academies Press ,
This book presents the fundamental factors driving the ageing of the U.S. population, as well as its societal implications and likely long-term macroeconomic effects. It offers four practical approaches for adapting to the new economic landscape.
Book cover: Of Corpse: Death and Humor in Folkore and Popular CultureOf Corpse: Death and Humor in Folkore and Popular Culture
by - Utah State University Press ,
The studies in this book examine specific interactions of text and social context (wakes, festivals, disasters) that shape and generate laughter. Uniquely, however, the essays here peruse a remarkable paradox -- the convergence of death and humor.
Book cover: Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and PracticesSocial Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices
by - University of South Florida ,
This book is designed to introduce doctoral and graduate students to the process of scientific research in the social sciences, education, public health, and related disciplines. It is a comprehensive and compact source for foundational concepts.
Book cover: A Plague of PeopleA Plague of People
by - Smashwords ,
People fill every part of the planet, using all resources and driving other species to extinction, until further expansion is impossible. The consequences are fully explored here with a science-based forecast of a complete collapse by 2030.
Book cover: Conducting Research Surveys via E-mail and the WebConducting Research Surveys via E-mail and the Web
by - Rand Publishing ,
Internet-based surveys, although still in their infancy, are becoming increasingly popular because they are believed to be faster, better, cheaper, and easier to conduct than surveys using more-traditional telephone or mail methods.
Book cover: FutureFuture
- Wikibooks ,
Advancements in biology, electronics, engineering, and society result in many different futuristic scenarios. In this book, you will find a vast database of ideas pertaining to the discipline of futurology, as well as of current trends.
Book cover: Discourses on Social SoftwareDiscourses on Social Software
by - Amsterdam University Press ,
Compiling discussions involving a number of researchers from various academic fields, this volume details the many ways in which the seemingly abstract disciplines of logic and computer science can be used to analyze contemporary social problems.
Book cover: An Introduction to the Human Development and Capability ApproachAn Introduction to the Human Development and Capability Approach
by - Earthscan Publications Ltd. ,
This book is essential reading for all those who wish to understand the Human Development and Capability approach to development. It both explains and advances thought on this important and increasingly influential perspective.
Book cover: Human Genetics for the Social SciencesHuman Genetics for the Social Sciences
by - Sage Publications ,
This book is for students in the behavioral sciences who need to understand genetics, but who have little training in biology. The text provides the basic biology which is essential for genetics and an overview of the principles of genetics.
Book cover: Studies in the Theory of IdeologyStudies in the Theory of Ideology
by - University of California Press ,
The essays which comprise this volume are the outcome of an attempt to assess some of the outstanding contemporary contributions to the theory of ideology. The author tried to bring out the value of these contributions as well as their limitations.
Book cover: Super Fuzzy Matrices and Super Fuzzy Models for Social ScientistsSuper Fuzzy Matrices and Super Fuzzy Models for Social Scientists
by - InfoLearnQuest ,
This book introduces the concept of fuzzy super matrices. The author has provided only those operations that are essential for developing super fuzzy multi expert models. Useful to social scientists who wish to work with multi expert models.
Book cover: Special Fuzzy Matrices for Social ScientistsSpecial Fuzzy Matrices for Social Scientists
by - InfoLearnQuest ,
This book introduces special classes of Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Matrices. These special classes of matrices are used in the construction of multi-expert special fuzzy models using FCM, FRM and FRE and their Neutrosophic analogues.
Book cover: Elementary Fuzzy Matrix Theory and Fuzzy Models for Social ScientistsElementary Fuzzy Matrix Theory and Fuzzy Models for Social Scientists
by - arXiv ,
This book aims to assist social scientists to analyze their problems using fuzzy models. The basic and essential fuzzy matrix theory is given. The authors have only tried to give those essential basically needed to develop the fuzzy model.
Book cover: Basic Concepts: The Methodology of the Social SciencesBasic Concepts: The Methodology of the Social Sciences
by - HSRC Press ,
This is one of the leading methodology textbooks in South African tertiary education. It provides an introduction to the fundamental concept of social science research, and complements books on specific research methods and techniques.
Book cover: The Research Methods Knowledge BaseThe Research Methods Knowledge Base
by - Atomic Dog ,
A comprehensive textbook that addresses all of the topics in a typical introductory course in social research methods. It covers the entire research process including: formulating research questions; sampling; measurement; research design; etc.
Book cover: Computer-Assisted Theory Building: Modeling Dynamic Social SystemsComputer-Assisted Theory Building: Modeling Dynamic Social Systems
by - Sage Publications, Inc ,
The book re-orients the way many social scientists build and work with theories, and it will prove of value to all practicing social science theorists. The author advocates computer simulation models to allow the formulation of more dynamic theories.
Book cover: Introduction to Social Network MethodsIntroduction to Social Network Methods
by - University of California, Riverside ,
The authors' goal in preparing this book is to provide a very basic introduction to the core ideas of social network analysis, and how these ideas are implemented in the methodologies that many social network analysts use.
Book cover: Correlation and CausalityCorrelation and Causality
by - John Wiley & Sons Inc ,
This text is a general introduction to the topic of structural analysis. It presumes no previous acquaintance with causal analysis. It is general because it covers all the standard, as well as a few nonstandard, statistical procedures.
Book cover: Statistics for the Social and Behavioral SciencesStatistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
by - Little, Brown ,
This textbook provides a first course in data analysis for students majoring in the social and behavioral sciences. The book is intended to be comprehensible to students who are not planning to go on to postgraduate study.
Book cover: Voting, Arbitration & Fair Division: Mathematics of Social ChoiceVoting, Arbitration & Fair Division: Mathematics of Social Choice
by - Trent University ,
An introduction to social choice theory, which uses mathematics to study the strengths/weaknesses of voting systems, arbitration schemes, and other methods of group decision making. Lots of pictures, requires only basic linear algebra.
Book cover: Complex Science for a Complex WorldComplex Science for a Complex World
by - Anu E Press ,
A new kind of science should help us deepen our understanding of how human ecosystems might grow and change over time. The aim of this book is to convince the reader that this new kind of science is worthy of our attention.
Book cover: The Counter-Revolution of ScienceThe Counter-Revolution of Science
by - Free Press ,
A group of thinkers concluded that an elite of social scientists should assume direct control of social life. The Counter-Revolution of Science is Nobel Laureate Friedrich Hayek's forceful attack on this abuse of reason.
Book cover: Health, United States: With Chartbook on Trends in the Health of AmericansHealth, United States: With Chartbook on Trends in the Health of Americans
- National Center for Health Statistics ,
The report on the health status of the Nation, submitted by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. It presents national trends in health statistics and includes summaries, highlights, tables, chartbooks, and appendixes.