

e-books in Philosophy category

Book cover: Anthropic BiasAnthropic Bias
by - Routledge ,
The book explores how to reason when you suspect that your evidence is biased by observation selection effects -- that is, evidence that has been filtered by the precondition that there be some suitably positioned observer to 'have' the evidence.
Book cover: Learning from Arguments: An Introduction to PhilosophyLearning from Arguments: An Introduction to Philosophy
by - PhilPapers Foundation ,
This book advances accessible versions of key philosophical arguments, in a form that students can emulate in their own writing, and with the primary aim of cultivating an understanding of the dynamics of philosophical argumentation.
Book cover: Philosophy of GlobalizationPhilosophy of Globalization
by - De Gruyter Open ,
The aim of this publication is to contribute philosophical depth to the debates on globalization conducted within various fields. The interdisciplinary nature of this book also serves to scientifically ground the discourse on global responsibility.

Book cover: Resemblance and Representation: An Essay in the Philosophy of PicturesResemblance and Representation: An Essay in the Philosophy of Pictures
by - Open Book Publishers ,
The strategy of the book is to argue that the apparently compelling objections raised against the platitude that depiction is mediated by resemblance are manifestations of more general problems, which are familiar from the philosophy of language.
Book cover: Realist Magic: Objects, Ontology, CausalityRealist Magic: Objects, Ontology, Causality
by - Open Humanities Press ,
Morton explores what it means to say that a thing has come into being, that it is persisting, and that it has ended. Drawing from examples, Morton demonstrates the counterintuitive explanatory power of Object Oriented Ontology for thinking causality.
Book cover: Words of Wisdom: Intro to PhilosophyWords of Wisdom: Intro to Philosophy
by - Pressbooks ,
Philosophy is the study of wisdom, and can emerge in our conversations in social media, in school, around the family dinner table, and even in the car. The text uses materials that are 2,500 years old, and materials that were in the news this year.
Book cover: Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?
by - Smashwords ,
This book is a collection of essays by utilitarian philosopher David Pearce. The essays deal with the abolition of suffering through biotechnology, negative utilitarianism, the nature of consciousness, and the future of intelligent life.
Book cover: Modern PhilosophyModern Philosophy
by - BCcampus ,
This is a textbook in modern philosophy. It combines readings from primary sources with two pedagogical tools. Paragraphs in italics introduce figures and texts. Numbered study questions ask students to reconstruct an argument from the text.
Book cover: What is Philosophy?: Embodiment, Signification, IdealityWhat is Philosophy?: Embodiment, Signification, Ideality
by - re.press ,
The enterprise of philosophy has been under sustained attack throughout the 20th century. This work attempts to diagnose the roots of these assaults and responds to them by developing a new constructive and systematic 'image of philosophy.'
Book cover: The Clever BodyThe Clever Body
by - University of Calgary Press ,
In The Clever Body, Gabor Csepregi describes in detail the nature and scope of the human body's innate abilities: sensibility, spontaneity, mimetic faculty, sense of rhythm, memory, and imagination and reflects on their significance in human life.
Book cover: Civilisation: Its Cause and CureCivilisation: Its Cause and Cure
by - George Allen & Unwin Ltd. ,
Carpenter proposes that civilisation is a form of disease that human societies pass through. Civilisations, he says, rarely last more than a thousand years before collapsing, and no society has ever passed through civilisation successfully.
Book cover: Natural PhilosophyNatural Philosophy
by - Henry Holt and Co. ,
This book is meant to serve as the first aid and guide in the acquisition of comprehensive notions of the external world and the inner life. It is meant to uphold the scientific method, which takes its problems from experience and for experience.
Book cover: Theory of the PersonTheory of the Person
by - Sophia University of Rome ,
Do we really know what meaning to give to the term PERSON? In this book, the author proposes the following answer: a PERSON is a spiritual, unifying principle that is endowed with its own freedom and its own identity, it is an end unto itself...
Book cover: Telemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate ChangeTelemorphosis: Theory in the Era of Climate Change
by - MPublishing ,
This volume gathers notable philosophers to engage the predominant impasse of an emerging era of climate change and ecocatastrophic acceleration: that is, how critical practices inherited from 20th century thinkers alter at the current moment.
Book cover: Cultural Software: A Theory of IdeologyCultural Software: A Theory of Ideology
by - Yale University Press ,
Cultural Software explains ideology as a result of the cultural evolution of bits of cultural knowhow, or memes. It is the first book to apply theories of cultural evolution to the problem of ideology and justice. An impressive and helpful book.
Book cover: Stanford Encyclopedia of PhilosophyStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
by - Stanford University ,
Encyclopedia was designed so that each entry is kept up to date by an expert or group of experts in the field. All entries and substantive updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are made public.
Book cover: The Subjection of WomenThe Subjection of Women
by - Longmans, Green, and co. ,
The renowned and influential essay by the great English philosopher argues for equality in all legal, political, social and domestic relations between men and women. Carefully reasoned and clearly expressed with great logic and consistency ...
Book cover: The AntichristThe Antichrist
by - Alfred A. Knopf ,
Here is Friedrich Nietzsche's great masterpiece The Anti-Christ, wherein Nietzsche attacks Christianity as a blight on humanity. This is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand Nietzsche and his place within the history of philosophy.
Book cover: The Philosophy of DisenchantmentThe Philosophy of Disenchantment
by - Houghton Mifflin Company ,
This book is a refreshing, unique look at the nature of life, told from a Schopenhauerian perspective. Saltus makes the point that this is far from being the 'best of all possible worlds.' Rather, life is a grievous burden to be borne.
Book cover: MetaphysicsMetaphysics
by - InTech ,
This collection will give readers a sense of the type of metaphysical investigations that are now being carried out by thinkers in the Western nations. We also hope that the reader's curiosity will be peaked so that further inquiry will follow.
Book cover: The Science of RightThe Science of Right
by ,
The Science of Right has for its object the principles of all the laws which it is possible to promulgate by external legislation. Where there is such a legislation, it becomes, in actual application to it, a system of positive right and law.
Book cover: DeathDeath
by - Dodd, Mead and Company ,
A philosophical look at death, life and what comes afterwards. Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard, Count Maeterlinck, was a Belgian poet, playwright, and essayist writing in French. The main themes in his work are death and the meaning of life.
Book cover: The Complete AristotleThe Complete Aristotle
by - Feedbooks ,
Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who changed the course of Western philosophy. He has gone down in history as one of the greatest philosophers of all time. This collection of works has been adapted from the collection of The University of Adelaide.
Book cover: Decision Theory: A Brief IntroductionDecision Theory: A Brief Introduction
by - KTH Stockholm ,
This text is a non-technical overview of modern decision theory. It is intended for university students with no previous acquaintance with the subject, and was primarily written for the participants of a course on risk analysis.
Book cover: The Complete PlatoThe Complete Plato
by - Feedbooks ,
Plato was a Greek philosopher and mathematician of the Classic Age who founded the Academy of Athens. He has distinguished himself as one of the founders of Western philosophy by recording the teachings of his master and his own philosophies.
Book cover: The Problems of PhilosophyThe Problems of Philosophy
by - Project Gutenberg ,
This classic work is an approachable introduction to the theory of philosophical enquiry. It gives Russell's views on distinction between appearance and reality, the existence and nature of matter, idealism, induction, and the limits of knowledge.
Book cover: Philosophy and LivingPhilosophy and Living
by ,
What am I? Am I free or a machine? Is there a God? What is good, anyhow? What ought we to do with our lives? What is life all about? A man's first approach to philosophy is often due to the hope of finding clear answers to such questions.
Book cover: A Philosophical DictionaryA Philosophical Dictionary
by - Wynne and Scholey ,
Voltaire's Philosophical Dictionary is a series of short, radical essays that form a brilliant analysis of the social and religious conventions that then dominated eighteenth-century French thought. One of the masterpieces of the Enlightenment.
Book cover: Notes on Philosophy of ScienceNotes on Philosophy of Science
by - UMass Amherst ,
Contents: Some Philosophical Distinctions; Theories - Initial Notes; Notes on Knowledge; Generic Size Theory; Numbers and Counting; Numeration Systems; Theory of Numbers; Arithmetic; Other Numbers; Infinite Sizes; Measurement; Additive Scales; etc.
Book cover: The New OrganonThe New Organon
by - Collier ,
This work was revolutionary in its attempt to give formal philosophical shape to emerging experimental science. It challenged the entire edifice of the philosophy of Bacon's time, and left its mark on all subsequent discussions of scientific method.
Book cover: The Limits Of ScienceThe Limits Of Science
by - University of Pittsburgh Press ,
Perfected science is but an idealization that provides a useful contrast to highlight the limited character of what we do and can attain. Rescher's discussion focuses on the question: what are the theoretical limits on science?
Book cover: The Life After DeathThe Life After Death
by - Adyar ,
Subject of life after death is one of the great interest to all of us. This is an exemplary study of the afterlife as taught by mystics from time immemorial to present day. C. W. Leadbeater was a leader in the Theosophical movement.
Book cover: Knowledge, Perception, and MemoryKnowledge, Perception, and Memory
by - D. Reidel Publishing Co. ,
This book attempts a general definition of what it is to know that a thing is so. It gives accounts of the knowledge based on perception and that based on memory. Regarding the justification of claims to know, it takes a fundamentalist approach.
Book cover: Skilful Thinking: An Introduction to Philosophical SkillsSkilful Thinking: An Introduction to Philosophical Skills
by - HSRC Press ,
Written in a down-to-earth style, this books guides students through the skills that enable them to analyze texts, critically evaluate arguments, and present it clearly. The book also offers advice on studying, time management and exam preparation.
Book cover: An Introduction to PhilosophyAn Introduction to Philosophy
by - Macmillan and co ,
The book was made as clear as possible, that no unnecessary difficulties may be placed in the path of those who enter upon the thorny road of philosophical reflection. The subjects treated are deep enough to demand the serious attention of any one.
Book cover: On LibertyOn Liberty
by - The Walter Scott Publishing Co. ,
This book is widely considered to be one of the top philosophical books of all time. This great classic which advocates for moral and economic freedom will surely attract a whole new generation of John Stuart Mill readers.
Book cover: MetaphysicsMetaphysics
by - The Internet Classics Archive ,
Metaphysics was regarded as 'the Queen of Sciences' even before the age of Aristotle. This multipart essay by the prominent philosopher examines the nature of existence, along with issues related to causation, form and matter, mathematics, and God.
Book cover: Descartes's Imagination: Proportion, Images, and the Activity of ThinkingDescartes's Imagination: Proportion, Images, and the Activity of Thinking
by - University of California Press ,
In this examination of the role of imagination in Descartes's thought, Dennis Sepper reveals a Descartes quite different from the usual dualistic portrayals and offers a critical reconception of the genesis and nature of the philosopher's thought.
Book cover: AbusesAbuses
by - University of California Press ,
Philosophical work and a travel documentary from Third World countries. It explores the fundamental principles of Continental philosophy, describing the cultures he visits, and the horrific conditions that people in these cultures must endure.
Book cover: Nature MysticismNature Mysticism
by - George Allen & Co ,
The subject of this book is Nature Mysticism. The phenomena of nature are to be studied in their mystical aspects. The wide term Mysticism is used because in spite of many misleading associations it is hard to replace.
Book cover: Thus Spake ZarathustraThus Spake Zarathustra
by - Modern Library ,
This work is the first thorough statement of Nietzsche's philosophy, and also a masterpiece of literature. The book is a combination of prose and poetry, epigrams, and parodies. Nietzsche made here his famous statement that God is dead.
Book cover: SpinozaSpinoza
by - Adamant Media Corporation ,
The author left out the account of Spinoza's life and letters, and to confined the work to an examination of his philosophical system. This writing attempts to deal with that philosophy from a point of view different from that of other books.
Book cover: Modelling Rationality... and Beyond the PhysicsModelling Rationality... and Beyond the Physics
by - American Research Press ,
The author is convinced that the Platonic theory of reminiscence is not a mere speculation, and the meaning of the spirit of science is the expression of a natural phenomenon which in the sense of the MESER concept is called revelation.