
Geometry & Topology

see also

Geometry & Physics (16)

e-books in Geometry & Topology category

Book cover: Finite Euclidean and Non-Euclidean GeometriesFinite Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries
by - arXiv ,
The purpose of this book is to give an exposition of geometry, from a point of view which complements Klein's Erlangen program. The emphasis is on extending the classical Euclidean geometry to the finite case, but it goes beyond that.
Book cover: Geometry and the ImaginationGeometry and the Imagination
by - Rutgers University, Newark ,
These are notes from an experimental mathematics course entitled Geometry and the Imagination as developed by Conway, Doyle, Thurston and others. The course aims to convey the richness, diversity, connectedness, depth and pleasure of mathematics.
Book cover: The Fourth DimensionThe Fourth Dimension
by - S. Sonnenschein & Co. ,
C. H. Hinton discusses the subject of the higher dimensionality of space, his aim being to avoid mathematical subtleties and technicalities, and thus enable his argument to be followed by readers who are not sufficiently conversant with mathematics.
Book cover: Euclidean Plane and Its RelativesEuclidean Plane and Its Relatives
by ,
This book is meant to be rigorous, elementary and minimalist. At the same time it includes about the maximum what students can absorb in one semester. It covers Euclidean geometry, Inversive geometry, Non-Euclidean geometry and Additional topics.

Book cover: The Axioms Of Descriptive GeometryThe Axioms Of Descriptive Geometry
by - Cambridge University Press ,
In this book, after the statement of the axioms, the ideas considered are those concerning the association of Projective and Descriptive Geometry by means of ideal points, point to point correspondence, congruence, distance, and metrical geometry.
Book cover: The Axiomatic MethodThe Axiomatic Method
by - North Holland Publishing Company ,
The volume naturally divides into three parts. Part I consists of 14 papers on the foundations of geometry, Part II of 14 papers on the foundations of physics, and Part III of five papers on general problems and applications of the axiomatic method.
Book cover: Modern GeometryModern Geometry
by - University of South Carolina ,
This course is a study of modern geometry as a logical system based upon postulates and undefined terms. Projective geometry, theorems of Desargues and Pappus, transformation theory, affine geometry, Euclidean, non-Euclidean geometries, topology.
Book cover: An Introduction to GeometryAn Introduction to Geometry
by - National University of Singapore ,
Contents: A Brief History of Greek Mathematics; Basic Results in Book I of the Elements; Triangles; Quadrilaterals; Concurrence; Collinearity; Circles; Using Coordinates; Inversive Geometry; Models and Basic Results of Hyperbolic Geometry.
Book cover: Quadratic Forms and Their ApplicationsQuadratic Forms and Their Applications
by - American Mathematical Society ,
This volume includes papers ranging from applications in topology and geometry to the algebraic theory of quadratic forms. Various aspects of the use of quadratic forms in algebra, analysis, topology, geometry, and number theory are addressed.
Book cover: Tilings and PatternsTilings and Patterns
by - Mathematicians.org.uk ,
Contents: Background Material (Euclidean Space, Delone Sets, Z-modules and lattices); Tilings of the plane (Periodic, Aperiodic, Penrose Tilings, Substitution Rules and Tiling, Matching Rules); Symbolic and Geometric tilings of the line.
Book cover: Topics in GeometryTopics in Geometry
by - University of St Andrews ,
Contents: Foundations; Linear groups; Isometries of Rn; Isometries of the line; Isometries of the plane; Isometries in 3 dimensions; Symmetry groups in the plane; Platonic solids; Finite symmetry groups of R3; Full finite symmetry groups in R3; etc.
Book cover: Geometry, Topology and PhysicsGeometry, Topology and Physics
by - Technische Universitat Wien ,
From the table of contents: Topology (Homotopy, Manifolds, Surfaces, Homology, Intersection numbers and the mapping class group); Differentiable manifolds; Riemannian geometry; Vector bundles; Lie algebras and representations; Complex manifolds.
Book cover: Geometry and Group TheoryGeometry and Group Theory
by - Texas A&M University ,
Lecture notes on Geometry and Group Theory. In this course, we develop the basic notions of Manifolds and Geometry, with applications in physics, and also we develop the basic notions of the theory of Lie Groups, and their applications in physics.
Book cover: Origami and Geometric ConstructionsOrigami and Geometric Constructions
by ,
Origami is the art of folding sheets of paper into interesting and beautiful shapes. In this text the author presents a variety of techniques for origami geometric constructions. The field has surprising connections to other branches of mathematics.
Book cover: An Elementary Course in Synthetic Projective GeometryAn Elementary Course in Synthetic Projective Geometry
by - Project Gutenberg ,
The book gives, in a simple way, the essentials of synthetic projective geometry. Enough examples have been provided to give the student a clear grasp of the theory. The student should have a thorough grounding in ordinary elementary geometry.
Book cover: Categorical GeometryCategorical Geometry
by ,
This is a book on the general theory of analytic categories. From the table of contents: Introduction; Analytic Categories; Analytic Topologies; Analytic Geometries; Coherent Analytic Categories; Coherent Analytic Geometries; and more.
Book cover: Convex Geometric AnalysisConvex Geometric Analysis
by - Cambridge University Press ,
Convex bodies are at once simple and amazingly rich in structure. This collection involves researchers in classical convex geometry, geometric functional analysis, computational geometry, and related areas of harmonic analysis.
Book cover: The Radon TransformThe Radon Transform
by - Birkhauser Boston ,
The Radon transform is an important topic in integral geometry which deals with the problem of expressing a function on a manifold in terms of its integrals over certain submanifolds. Solutions to such problems have a wide range of applications.
Book cover: Combinatorial and Computational GeometryCombinatorial and Computational Geometry
by - Cambridge University Press ,
This volume includes articles exploring geometric arrangements, polytopes, packing, covering, discrete convexity, geometric algorithms and their complexity, and the combinatorial complexity of geometric objects, particularly in low dimension.
Book cover: Fundamentals of GeometryFundamentals of Geometry
by - Moscow State University ,
A continually updated book devoted to rigorous axiomatic exposition of the basic concepts of geometry. Self-contained comprehensive treatment with detailed proofs should make this book both accessible and useful to a wide audience of geometry lovers.
Book cover: Fractal GeometryFractal Geometry
by - Yale University ,
This is an introduction to fractal geometry for students without especially strong mathematical preparation, or any particular interest in science. Each of the topics contains examples of fractals in the arts, humanities, or social sciences.
Book cover: Projective GeometryProjective Geometry
by ,
The techniques of projective geometry provide the technical underpinning for perspective drawing and in particular for the modern version of the Renaissance artist, who produces the computer graphics we see every day on the web.
Book cover: Geometric Theorems and Arithmetic FunctionsGeometric Theorems and Arithmetic Functions
by - American Research Press ,
Contents: on Smarandache's Podaire theorem, Diophantine equation, the least common multiple of the first positive integers, limits related to prime numbers, a generalized bisector theorem, values of arithmetical functions and factorials, and more.