

e-books in Archaeology category

Book cover: Ceramic EthnoarchaeologyCeramic Ethnoarchaeology
by - University of Arizona Press ,
Drawing on projects undertaken around the world, the authors of this book focus on identifying social and behavioral sources of ceramic variation to show how analogical reasoning is fundamental to archaeological interpretation.
Book cover: Dead Men Tell TalesDead Men Tell Tales
by ,
The general public is conscious of the field of archaeology, and the great discoveries that are being made in that realm. In this volume you will go with the diggers into the ancient ages of the Bible lands, and learn many things ...
Book cover: The Archaeology of SulawesiThe Archaeology of Sulawesi
by - ANU Press ,
The central Indonesian island of Sulawesi has recently been hitting headlines with respect to its archaeology. It contains some of the oldest directly dated rock art in the world, and some of the oldest evidence for a hominin presence ...

Book cover: Open Source ArchaeologyOpen Source Archaeology
by - De Gruyter Open ,
This volume discusses important issues around open access to data and software in academic and commercial archaeology, and summarises both the current state of theoretical engagement, and technological development in the field of open-archaeology.
Book cover: Archaeological Science Under a MicroscopeArchaeological Science Under a Microscope
by - ANU Press ,
These highly varied studies, ranging from early humans to modern kings, demonstrate how starches, raphides, hair, blood, feathers, resin and DNA have become essential elements in archaeology's modern arsenal for for understanding human evolution.
Book cover: Landscape Archaeology between Art and ScienceLandscape Archaeology between Art and Science
by - Amsterdam University Press ,
This volume is focusing on the definition of landscape as used by processual archaeologists, earth scientists, and most historical geographers. It provides a rich foundation for discussion, and the papers in this collection cover a variety of topics.
Book cover: Prehistoric MenPrehistoric Men
by - Chicago Natural History Museum ,
The men who lived in prehistoric times left us no history books, but they did unintentionally leave a record of their presence and their way of life. This record is studied and interpreted by different kinds of scientists ...
Book cover: Computational Approaches to the Study of Movement in ArchaeologyComputational Approaches to the Study of Movement in Archaeology
by - De Gruyter Open Ltd ,
The archaeological study of movement and of its related patterns and features has been transformed by the use of GIS. Path analysis has become a very popular approach to the study of settlement and land-use dynamics in landscape archaeology.
Book cover: The Archaeology of Death in Post-medieval EuropeThe Archaeology of Death in Post-medieval Europe
by - Walter de Gruyter & Co. ,
There is now a real appetite on the part of those researching the burial practices of the last 500 years for an opportunity to present our work. This volume represents an early contribution to a discussion of what is still a new area of research.
Book cover: The Petrie Museum of Egyptian ArchaeologyThe Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology
by - UCL Press ,
The Museum holds more than 80,000 objects and is one of the largest and finest collections of Egyptian and Sudanese archaeology in the world. The book moves back and forth between recent history and the ancient past, between objects and people.
Book cover: Aztec Ruins National MonumentAztec Ruins National Monument
by - National Park Service ,
Aztec Ruins National Monument consists of an enclosed area containing six major archeological complexes of rooms and structures, and at least seven smaller mounds which may contain structures or may be refuse mounds from the larger occupation zones.
Book cover: Mesopotamian ArchaeologyMesopotamian Archaeology
by - Macmillan & Co. ,
In addition to the chapters which deal expressly with the cultural evolution of the dwellers in Mesopotamia, two chapters are devoted to the Cuneiform writing -- its pictorial origin, the history of its decipherment, and the literature...
Book cover: Stonehenge: Today and YesterdayStonehenge: Today and Yesterday
by - Sampson Low, Marston & Co. ,
Amongst the many stone circles scattered over Great Britain, Stonehenge is unique, in the fact of having its stones carefully though roughly worked; and also in the introduction of the horseshoe within the circles, in the design of the building.
Book cover: Archaeology: New Approaches in Theory and TechniquesArchaeology: New Approaches in Theory and Techniques
by - InTech ,
Topics: New Approaches About Archaeological Theory; Use of Geophysics on Archaeological Fieldwork; New Applied Techniques - Improving Material Culture and Experimentation; and Sharing Knowledge - Some Proposals Concerning Education.
Book cover: A Thousand Miles up the NileA Thousand Miles up the Nile
by - A. L. Burt Company ,
Sailing the Nile and armed with sketch-book and measuring tape, Amelia Edwards carefully recorded all she saw of the temples and monuments, and provided in A Thousand Miles Up The Nile the first general archaeological survey of Egypt's ruins.
Book cover: Archaeology 2.0: New Approaches to Communication and CollaborationArchaeology 2.0: New Approaches to Communication and Collaboration
by - eScholarship.org ,
How is the Web transforming the professional practice of archaeology? How can we best understand the possibilities of the Web in meeting the specialized needs of professionals? These are among the many questions posed and addressed in this book.
Book cover: Light from Ancient CampfiresLight from Ancient Campfires
by - AU Press ,
The book gathers together a comprehensive prehistoric archaeological record of the Northern Plains First Nations. Author Trevor R. Peck reviews the many changes of interpretation that have occurred in relevant literature during the last two decades.
Book cover: Fresh Light from the Ancient MonumentsFresh Light from the Ancient Monuments
by - Religious Tract Society ,
A sketch of the most striking confirmations of the Bible, from the discoveries in Egypt, Palestine, Assyria, Babylonia, and Asia Minor. The book offers readers a unique, vivid perspective on the people, history and environment of ancient societies.
Book cover: An Archaeology of GreeceAn Archaeology of Greece
by - University of California Press ,
In this book, Anthony Snodgrass argues that classical archaeology has a rare potential in the whole field of the study of the past to make innovative discoveries and apply modern approaches by widening the aims of the discipline.
Book cover: New Directions in Archaeological ScienceNew Directions in Archaeological Science
by - ANU E Press ,
This volume covers the thematic fields of geoarchaeology, archaeobotany, materials analysis and chronometry. The advances of Australasian archaeology set out in these papers will find a receptive audience among many archaeologists elsewhere.
Book cover: How to Observe in ArchaeologyHow to Observe in Archaeology
by - British Museum ,
The handbook for the use of travelers in the Near and Middle East who are interested in antiquities without being trained archaeologists. Here is some elementary information and advice useful for travelers with archaeological tastes.
Book cover: Manual of Egyptian ArchaeologyManual of Egyptian Archaeology
by - Putnam ,
This work still remains the handbook of egyptian archaeology. For beginners this book will open a fresh and fascinating field of study, while for skilled archaeologist these pages contain new facts, new views and new interpretations.