e-books in Agricultural Sciences category

by G. Brodie, M. V. Jacob, P. Farrell - De Gruyter Open , 2015
The main purpose of the book is to provide a glimpse of what is possible and encourage practitioners in the engineering and agricultural industries to explore how radio-frequency and microwave systems might further enhance the agricultural industry.

by Ephraim Nkonya, Alisher Mirzabaev, Joachim von Braun - Springer , 2016
The results of this volume can contribute significantly to the ongoing policy debate and efforts to design strategies for achieving sustainable development goals and related efforts to address land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

by Robert Biel - UCL Press , 2016
This book, by a leading expert in urban agriculture, offers a solution to today's global food crisis. By contributing more to feeding themselves, cities can allow breathing space for the rural sector to convert to more organic sustainable approaches.

by Henry Jordaan, Manfred Max Bergman (eds) - MDPI AG , 2017
The authors explore risks and potential solutions to inform producers and policy makers regarding practices towards sustainable production, and regarding the sustainable use of freshwater in agricultural production in a context of a changing climate.

by Everlon Cid Rigobelo (ed.) - InTech , 2016
This book provides information about the use of bio-agents, plant health, plant pathogen, property of melanin, and the influence of rootstock and root growth. We hope this information will be useful for all the people who work with this hot topic.

by Shai Barbut - University of Guelph , 2015
This book covers various areas related to the meat processing industry, and includes topics such as automation, primary and further processing, protein gelation, use of non-meat ingredients, product evaluation, microbiology, HACCP, and by products.

by Petr Konvalina (ed.) - InTech , 2016
Many of the traditional farming methods used in the past are still useful today. Organic farming takes the best of these and combines them with modern knowledge. Authors' task was to write a book where many existing studies could be compared ...

by Md. Asaduzzaman (ed.) - InTech , 2015
This volume provides useful information on the techniques of growing horticultural crops using either inert organic or inorganic substrates and also on use of substrates consisting locally available and inexpensive materials with adequate properties.

by Jack R. Mauney, James McD. Stewart (eds) - Cotton Foundation , 1987
From virtually every aspect, cotton is one of the most interesting higher organisms in the plant kingdom. It is rather unique in that it produces both fiber and food. Compared with most crop plants, cotton adapts quite well to adverse conditions.

by Marcelo L. Larramendy, Sonia Soloneski (eds) - InTech , 2014
The experimental and theoretical pesticide investigations will make this book of significance to researchers, scientists, engineers, and graduate students who make use of those different investigations to understand the toxic aspects of pesticides.

by Sven Bode Andersen - InTech , 2013
Plant breeding has entered a molecular era based on molecular tools to analyse DNA, RNA and proteins and associate such molecular results with plant phenotype. These marker trait associations develop fast to enable more efficient breeding.

by David J. Spielman - IFPRI , 2009
This book examines how programs and investments in pro-poor agricultural development have helped to reduce hunger across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The success stories provide inspiration for continued efforts to eradicate hunger.

by Shenggen Fan, Rajul Pandya-Lorch (eds) - IFPRI , 2012
In 'Reshaping Agriculture for Nutrition and Health', leading experts, practitioners, and policymakers explore the links among agriculture, nutrition, and health and identify ways to strengthen related policies and programs.

by Margarita Stoytcheva, Roumen Zlatev (eds) - InTech , 2013
Topics discussed: Classification and labeling of active substances in plant protection products, Environmental and stress plant physiology and behavior, Antimicrobial and antioxidant potential of plant extracts, Pollutants analysis and effects.

by Roland Nuhu Issaka (ed.) - InTech , 2012
This book examines biological processes that can enhance the soil fertility. It discusses the use of organic and inorganic fertilizers and their integration in improving soil fertility. It looks at the state-of-the-art in leaf sampling and analysis.

- Wikibooks , 2012
This book demonstrates the fundamentals and advanced topics of hydroculture gardening including: aquaponics, hydroponics, aquascaping, aeroponics, passive-hydroponics, hydroculture related gardening, root zone basics, plant nutrition fundamentals.

- Wikibooks , 2012
This book is an effort to create a coherent and wide-ranging guide to the practice of gardening. The text is intended for use by horticulture students, horticultural workers, and home gardeners. The project scope aims at temperate-region gardens.

by Tony Seykora - University of Minnesota , 2000
In this book are outlined basic procedures that are often required of a dairy farmer. Included are common sense, practical procedures learned from working with dairy animals, observing good 'cowmen' and industry persons.

- Wikibooks , 2012
This text aims to bring readers a collection of simple, easy to implement methods for improving success in gardening. Topics covered: Vegetables, Fruit bushes, Fruit trees, Flowers, Irrigation, Bug control, Miscellaneous gardening tips.

by Mark Gold - Compassion in World Farming Trust , 2004
In the developed world, inappropriate diet is increasingly accepted as a cause of ill-health and morbidity. Meat and meat products make up the greatest percentage of saturated fat intake that contributes significantly to several diseases.

by Godwin Aflakpui - InTech , 2012
This book covers key areas in agricultural science, namely crop improvement, production, response to water, nutrients, and temperature, crop protection, etc. The book is intended for university students and professionals in the field of agriculture.

by Christian Joseph R. - InTech , 2012
Plant pathology is an applied science that deals with the nature, causes and control of plant diseases in agriculture and forestry. The vital role of plant pathology in attaining food security and food safety for the world cannot be overemphasized.

by Raumjit Nokkoul - InTech , 2011
The opportunity to compare results from different countries (Thailand, Spain, Sweden, Lithuania, Czech, Mexico) will open a new perspective on the subject, allowing the characteristics of Organic Agriculture and Organic Food to be seen more clearly.

by Hemanth KN. Vasanthaiah, Devaiah Kambiranda - InTech , 2011
The main intention of this publication is to provide a state-of-the-art and up-to-date knowledge of recent developments in understanding of plant responses to major abiotic stresses, limitations and the current status of crop improvement.

by Margarita Stoytcheva - InTech , 2011
This book is focused on: pesticides and food production, environmental effects of pesticides, and pesticides mobility, transport and fate. The addressed issues should attract the public concern to support rational decisions to pesticides use.

by Milad Manafi - InTech , 2011
Artificial insemination is used for reproduction purposes and its chief priority is that the desirable characteristics of a male livestock animal can be passed on more quickly and to more progeny than if that animal is mated in a natural fashion.

by Valik Rudd - raisinggoatsguide.com , 2011
Everything you need to know to start keeping your own goats or even start your own goat farm. Learn where to buy goats, what you need to prepare, how to care and maintain them. Learn how to pick out the healthy ones when buying.

by Tzi-Bun Ng - InTech , 2011
Soybean is an agricultural crop of tremendous economic importance. Soybean and food items derived from it form dietary components of numerous people. Health benefits of soybean have attracted the attention of nutritionists as well as common people.

by George E. Waring - Project Gutenberg , 2010
This book is presented to you, not as a work of science, nor as a chemical treatise, but as a plain statement of the more simple operations by which nature produces many results, so common to our observation, that we are thoughtless of their origin.

by Roscoe Wilfred Thatcher - McGraw-Hill , 1921
This book may serve as a text or reference book for students of plant science who are seeking a proper foundation upon which to build a scientific knowledge of how plants grow. It shall serve also as a stimulus to further study in this field.

by John Nathan Martin - Wiley , 1919
This book is intended for elementary courses in Botany in colleges and universities. In its preparation the aim has been to present the fundamental principles of Botany with emphasis upon the practical application of these principles.

by C. C. James - D. Appleton and Company , 1899
The science of agriculture consists of a mingling of chemistry, geology, botany, entomology, physiology, bacteriology, and other sciences. The purpose of this book is to aid the reader in acquiring a knowledge of the science of agriculture.

by Charles William Burkett - Ginn and Company , 1914
The art of farming is based on the sciences dealing with the growth of plants and animals. This book presents these scientific truths and suggests some practices drawn from them. You will find here many practical exercises and experiments.

by Thomas Anderson - Adam and Charles Black , 1860
The book is a concise outline of the general principles of Agricultural Chemistry. Its aim is strictly elementary, avoiding unnecessary technicalities so as to make it intelligible to those unacquainted with chemical science.

- The MIT Press , 2019
Farmers have embraced new approaches to agriculture enhancing environmental stewardship and improving the lives of their families and their communities. The second edition updated the original profiles and added 14 new to represent every US state.