Computer Mathematics (23)
Dynamical Systems Theory (42)
Optimization (25)
see also
Mathematical Physics (67)
Econometrics (30)
Game Theory (24)
Numerical Analysis (47)
e-books in Applied Mathematics category
by Kenji Uchino - MDPI Books , 2023
This is a specialized text that dives into the mathematical foundations and applied techniques essential for working with ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials. The author balances theoretical principles with practical applications.
by Per Kristen Jakobsen - , 2019
The selection of topics in this text has formed the core of a one semester course in applied mathematics at the Arctic University of Norway. The class has, during its existence, drawn participants from both applied mathematics and physics.
by Francesco Mainardi (ed.) - MDPI AG , 2018
Fractional calculus is allowing integrals and derivatives of any positive order. It can be considered a branch of mathematical physics that deals with integro-differential equations, where integrals are of convolution type ...
by Baoding Liu - Tsinghua University , 2018
Uncertainty theory is a branch of mathematics based on normality, monotonicity, self-duality, countable subadditivity, and product measure axioms. Uncertainty is any concept that satisfies the axioms of uncertainty theory ...
by Jordan Hristov (ed.) - MDPI AG , 2018
Fractional calculus has performed an important role in the fields of mathematics, physics, electronics, mechanics, and engineering in recent years. The modeling methods involving fractional operators have been continuously generalized and enhanced...
by Piotr Prokopowicz, et al. - Springer , 2017
This book offers comprehensive coverage on Ordered Fuzzy Numbers, providing readers with both the basic information and the necessary expertise to use them in applications. The respective chapters discuss the main techniques and applications.
by Angel Garrido (ed.) - MDPI AG , 2017
Symmetry and Complex Networks are essential in many sciences. That is why these two themes have been unified here, whose intersection we are dealing with: in its first part, of fundamentals, and in its second part of applications, which are multiple.
by Chiara Guardasoni - Ledizioni LediPublishing , 2010
The aim of this thesis is to developed an efficient procedure for the application of BEM to transient scalar wave propagation problems, investigating the coerciveness property of the related energy functional, avoiding the frequency domain analysis.
by Carlo Cattani, et al. - De Gruyter Open Ltd , 2016
The book is devoted to recent developments in the theory of fractional calculus and its applications. Particular attention is paid to the applicability of this currently popular research field in various branches of pure and applied mathematics.
by Charles Proteus Steinmetz - McGraw-Hill , 1911
The book brings together and discusses explicitly, with applications, all those branches of mathematics which are of special importance to the electrical engineer. Theoretical knowledge of mathematics must be accompanied by ability to apply it ...
by Gunther Uhlmann (ed.) - Cambridge University Press , 2013
The book describes recent developments in inverse problems and imaging, including hybrid or couple-physics methods arising in medical imaging, Calderon's problem and electrical impedance tomography, inverse problems arising in global seismology, etc.
- National Academy Press , 1984
We examine several deep theoretical problems, including turbulence and combustion. At the frontiers of attack on these problems we discover the limitations imposed by our current understanding of model formulation and computational capability.
by David Wright - Washington University in St. Louis , 2009
This book is an investigation of the interrelationships between mathematics and music, reviewing the needed concepts in each subject as they are encountered. Along the way, readers will augment their understanding of both mathematics and music.
by Edward I. Edgerton, Wallace E. Bartholomew - The Ronald Press Co. , 1921
The course in this book is much more advanced than the usual course in commercial arithmetic. The attempt has been made to construct a practical course which will contain all the essential mathematical knowledge required in a business career.
by Athanase Papadopoulos - arXiv , 2014
The purpose of this paper is to show through particular examples how group theory is used in music. Examples are chosen from the theoretical work and from the compositions of Olivier Messiaen, one of the most influential twentieth century composers.
by Stefan Grosskinsky - University of Warwick , 2009
Interacting particle systems (IPS) are models for complex phenomena involving a large number of interrelated components. Examples exist within all areas of natural and social sciences, such as traffic flow on highways, constituents of a cell, etc.
- Wikibooks , 2013
This book is about the inverse problems that take its roots in medical imaging and similar imaging methods from geophysics. The study was motivated by the needs of non-destructive and non-intrusive methods for imaging of hidden objects.
by J. E. Parker - Bookboon , 2013
This volume is the second of a three part series of texts taken during a first-year university course. Tutorial questions with fully worked solutions structured on a weekly basis to help the students to self-pace themselves are used.
by J. E. Parker - Bookboon , 2013
This volume teaches Maths from a 'chemical' perspective and is the first of a three part series of texts taken during a first-year university course. It is the Maths required by a Chemist, or Chemical Engineer, Chemical Physicist, Biochemist,...
by William L.Hart - D.C Heath and Company , 1924
This book provides an elementary course in the theory and the application of annuities certain and in the mathematical aspects of life insurance. The book is particularly adapted to the needs of students in colleges of business administration.
by J.G. Burkill - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research , 1959
From the table of contents: Weierstrass's Theorem; The Polynomial of Best Approximation Chebyshev Polynomials; Approximations to abs(x); Trigonometric Polynomials; Inequalities, etc; Approximation in Terms of Differences.
by N. L. Carothers - Bowling Green State University , 2009
The text is intended as a survey of elementary techniques in Approximation Theory for novices and non-experts. It is sufficient background to facilitate reading more advanced books on the subject. Prerequisites include a course in advanced calculus.
by Andrew Fowler - University of Oxford , 2005
This course develops mathematical techniques which are useful in solving 'real-world' problems involving differential equations. The course embraces the ethos of mathematical modelling, and aims to show in a practical way how equations 'work'.
by Ingrid Daubechies, Shannon Hughes - Princeton University , 2008
Designed for those who haven't had college mathematics but would like to understand some applications: Cryptography; Error correction and compression; Probability and Statistics; Birth, Growth, Death and Chaos; Graph Theory; Voting and Social Choice.
by Andras Kornai , 2007
The book introduces the mathematical foundations of linguistics to computer scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. The book presents linguistics as a cumulative body of knowledge from the ground up: no prior knowledge of linguistics is assumed.
by Mihir Sen, Joseph M. Powers - University of Notre Dame , 2010
Multidimensional calculus, linear analysis, linear operators, vector algebra, ordinary differential equations. Directed at first year graduate students in engineering and undergraduates who wish to become better prepared for graduate studies.
by Jeffrey R. Chasnov - The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology , 2010
This applied mathematics text is primarily for final year mathematics major and minor students. The main emphasis is on mathematical modeling, with biology the sole application area. It is assumed that students have no knowledge of biology.
by J. Bystrom, L. Persson, F. Stromberg - Lulea University of Technology , 2010
Topics: dimensional analysis and scaling; perturbation methods; the calculus of variations; the theory of partial differential equations; Sturm-Liouville theory; transform theory with applications; Hamiltonian theory and isoperimetric problems; etc.
by E. V. Huntington, L. A. Fischer - McGraw Hill , 1918
The Handbook contains, in compact form, accurate statements of those facts and formulas of mathematics which are likely to be useful to the worker in applied mathematics. It is thought to be more comprehensive than any other similar work in English.
by Jeremy Pickles - BookBoon , 2010
This book approaches the subject from an oft-neglected historical perspective. A particular aim is to make accessible to students Newton's vision of a single system of law governing the falling of an apple and the orbital motion of the moon.
by Andrew E. Blechman , 2007
The author summarizes most of the more advanced mathematical trickery seen in electrodynamics and quantum mechanics in simple and friendly terms with examples. Mathematical tools such as tensors or differential forms are covered in this text.
by Cappella Archive - Prasenjit Saha , 2003
This is a short book about the principles of data analysis. The emphasis is on why things are done rather than on exactly how to do them. If you already know something about the subject, then working through this book will deepen your understanding.
by W. B. V. Kandasamy, F. Smarandache, K. Ilanthenral - InfoLearnQuest , 2007
This book introduces special classes of Fuzzy and Neutrosophic Matrices. These special classes of matrices are used in the construction of multi-expert special fuzzy models using FCM, FRM and FRE and their Neutrosophic analogues.
by W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, at al. - arXiv , 2007
This book aims to assist social scientists to analyze their problems using fuzzy models. The basic and essential fuzzy matrix theory is given. The authors have only tried to give those essential basically needed to develop the fuzzy model.
by Simon A. Levin , 2008
This report explores the interface between biology and mathematics. It argues that the stimulation of biological application will enrich the discipline of mathematics for decades or more, as have applications from the physical sciences in the past.
by F. Przytycki, M. Urbanski - Cambridge University Press , 2009
An introduction to the methods of ergodic theory applied to holomorphic iteration. The authors begin with introductory chapters presenting the necessary tools from ergodic theory thermodynamical formalism, and then focus on recent developments.
by National Research Council - National Academies Press , 1996
This book documents the key research challenges in mathematics and physics that could enable the economical development of novel biomedical imaging devices. It introduces the frontiers of biomedical imaging to the educated nonspecialist.
by Gunther Uhlmann - Cambridge University Press , 2003
In this book, experts in the theoretical and applied aspects of inverse problems offer extended surveys on important topics in the field, such as microlocal analysis, reflection seismology, tomography, inverse scattering, and X-ray transforms.
by John P. Boyd - Dover Publications , 2001
The text focuses on use of spectral methods to solve boundary value, eigenvalue, and time-dependent problems, but also covers Hermite, Laguerre, rational Chebyshev, sinc, and spherical harmonic functions, cardinal functions, etc.
by Marcus Pivato - Trent University , 2007
An introduction to social choice theory, which uses mathematics to study the strengths/weaknesses of voting systems, arbitration schemes, and other methods of group decision making. Lots of pictures, requires only basic linear algebra.
by Evans M. Harrell II, James V. Herod , 2000
This textbook is suitable for a first course on partial differential equations, Fourier series and special functions, and integral equations. The text concentrates on mathematical concepts rather than on details of calculations.
by Erhan Cinlar, Robert J. Vanderbei , 2000
This text covers general notions regarding sets, functions, sequences, and series; metric spaces, convergence, continuity, approximations; functions on metric spaces; differential and integral equations; convex analysis; measure and integration.
by Albert Tarantola - SIAM , 2004
The first part deals with discrete inverse problems with a finite number of parameters, while the second part deals with general inverse problems. The book for scientists and applied mathematicians facing the interpretation of experimental data.
by Thaddeus H. Black - Debian Project , 2017
The book deals with applied mathematical proofs. It emphasizes underlying mathematical motivation, without full mathematical rigor. Mathematical results are derived from applied perspective of the engineer and the scientist.
by Dave Benson - Cambridge University Press , 2006
An introduction to the subject of music and mathematics, which includes physics, psycho-acoustics, biology, and the history of science and digital technology. It covers the structure of the human ear, Fourier analysis, musical instruments, and more.
by Sanjoy Mahajan - The MIT Press , 2010
The book about the art of guessing results and solving problems without doing a proof or an exact calculation. Techniques include extreme-cases reasoning, dimensional analysis, successive approximation, discretization, generalization, etc.
by Viatcheslav Vinogradov - CERGE-EI , 1999
Simple recipes for solving problems students might face in their studies of economics. The main goal was to refresh students' knowledge of mathematics rather than teach them math from scratch, BA level mathematics is required.
by James Nearing - Dover Publications , 2010
Infinite series, complex algebra, differential equations, Fourier series, vector spaces, operators and matrices, multivariable calculus, vector calculus, partial differential equations, numerical analysis, tensors, complex variables, and more.