
Mathematical Logic


Modal Logic (4)
Model Theory (7)
Proof Theory (8)
Set Theory (13)

see also

Computability Theory (9)

e-books in Mathematical Logic category

Book cover: Actual CausalityActual Causality
by - The MIT Press ,
In this book, Joseph Halpern explores actual causality, and such related notions as degree of responsibility, degree of blame, and causal explanation. The goal is to arrive at a definition of causality that matches our natural language usage.
Book cover: Topics in Logic and FoundationsTopics in Logic and Foundations
by - The Pennsylvania State University ,
This is a set of lecture notes from a 15-week graduate course at the Pennsylvania State University. The course covered some topics which are important in contemporary mathematical logic and foundations but usually omitted from introductory courses.

Book cover: A Friendly Introduction to Mathematical LogicA Friendly Introduction to Mathematical Logic
by - Milne Library Publishing ,
In this book, readers with no previous study in the field are introduced to the basics of model theory, proof theory, and computability theory. The text is designed to be used either in an upper division undergraduate classroom, or for self study.
Book cover: What is Mathematics: Gödel's Theorem and AroundWhat is Mathematics: Gödel's Theorem and Around
by - University of Latvia ,
Textbook for students in mathematical logic and foundations of mathematics. Contents: Platonism, intuition and the nature of mathematics; Axiomatic Set Theory; First Order Arithmetic; Hilbert's Tenth Problem; Incompleteness Theorems; Godel's Theorem.
Book cover: Introduction to Mathematical LogicIntroduction to Mathematical Logic
by - University of Latvia ,
From the table of contents: 1. Introduction. What Is Logic, Really?; 2. Propositional Logic; 3. Predicate Logic; 4. Completeness Theorems (Model Theory); 5. Normal Forms. Resolution Method; 6. Miscellaneous (Negation as Contradiction or Absurdity).
Book cover: Logic for Computer ScienceLogic for Computer Science
- Wikibooks ,
This book provides a survey of mathematical logic and its various applications. After covering basic material of propositional logic and first-order logic, the course presents the foundations of finite model theory and descriptive complexity.
Book cover: Natural TopologyNatural Topology
by - arXiv ,
We give a theoretical and applicable framework for dealing with real-world phenomena. Joining pointwise and pointfree notions in BISH, natural topology gives a faithful idea of important concepts and results in intuitionism.
Book cover: Logic for Computer ScientistsLogic for Computer Scientists
by - Wikibooks ,
This book is intended for computer scientists and it assumes only some basic mathematical notions like relations and orderings. The aim was to create an interactive script where logics can be experienced by interaction and experimentation.
Book cover: Logics of Time and ComputationLogics of Time and Computation
by - Center for the Study of Language ,
Sets out the basic theory of normal modal and temporal propositional logics, applies this theory to logics of discrete, dense, and continuous time, to the temporal logic of henceforth, next, and until, and to the dynamic logic of regular programs.
Book cover: Intuitionistic LogicIntuitionistic Logic
by - Universiteit van Amsterdam ,
In this course we give an introduction to intuitionistic logic. We concentrate on the propositional calculus mostly, make some minor excursions to the predicate calculus and to the use of intuitionistic logic in intuitionistic formal systems.
Book cover: Lectures on Linear LogicLectures on Linear Logic
by - CSLI ,
This text deals with logical formalism, cut-elimination, the embedding of intuitionistic logic in classical linear logic, proofnets for the multiplicative fragment and the algorithmic interpretation of cut-elimination in proofnets.
Book cover: A Second Course in LogicA Second Course in Logic
by - University of Cincinnati ,
This book is for anyone who has had a solid introductory logic course and wants more. Topics covered include soundness and completeness for first-order logic, Tarski's theorem on the undefinability of truth, Godel's incompleteness theorems, etc.
Book cover: Notes on the Science of LogicNotes on the Science of Logic
by - University of Pittsburgh ,
This course assumes you know how to use truth functions and quantifiers as tools. Our task here is to study these very tools. Contents: logic of truth functional connectives; first order logic of extensional predicates, operators, and quantifiers.
Book cover: The Art of LogicThe Art of Logic
by - University of Pittsburgh ,
Contents: Grammar; The art of the logic of truth-functional connectives; Quantifier proofs; A modicum of set theory; Symbolizing English quantifiers; Quantifier semantics - interpretation and counterexample; Theories; Definitions.
Book cover: An Introduction to Mathematical LogicAn Introduction to Mathematical Logic
by ,
This text treats pure logic and in this connection introduces to basic proof-theoretic techniques. Fundamentals of model theory and those of recursion theory are dealt with. Furthermore, some extensions of first order logic are treated.
Book cover: Symbolic Logic: A Second CourseSymbolic Logic: A Second Course
by - UMass Amherst ,
Contents: Summary; Translations in Function Logic; Derivations in Function Logic; Translations in Identity Logic; Extra Material on Identity Logic; Derivations in Identity Logic; Translations in Description Logic; Derivations in Description Logic.
Book cover: Symbolic Logic: A First CourseSymbolic Logic: A First Course
by - Mcgraw-Hill College ,
Contents: Basic Concepts of Logic; Truth-Functional Connectives; Validity in Sentential Logic; Translations in Sentential Logic; Derivations in Sentential Logic; Translations in Monadic Predicate Logic; Translations in Polyadic Predicate Logic; etc.
Book cover: Algebraic LogicAlgebraic Logic
by ,
Part I of the book studies algebras which are relevant to logic. Part II deals with the methodology of solving logic problems by (i) translating them to algebra, (ii) solving the algebraic problem, and (iii) translating the result back to logic.
Book cover: The Principles Of MathematicsThe Principles Of Mathematics
by - W. W. Norton & Company
Russell's classic sets forth his landmark thesis that mathematics and logic are identical -- that what is called mathematics is simply later deductions from logical premises. His ideas have had a profound influence on the foundations of mathematics.
Book cover: A Concise Introduction to Mathematical LogicA Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic
by - Springer ,
A well-written introduction to the beautiful and coherent subject. It contains classical material such as logical calculi, beginnings of model theory, and Goedel's incompleteness theorems, as well as some topics motivated by applications.
Book cover: Introduction to Mathematical Logic: A problem solving courseIntroduction to Mathematical Logic: A problem solving course
by - arXiv ,
This is a set of questions written for a course in Mathematical Logic. Topics covered are: propositional logic; axioms of ZFC; wellorderings and equivalents of AC; ordinal and cardinal arithmetic; first order logic, and the compactness theorem; etc.
Book cover: The Algebra of LogicThe Algebra of Logic
by - Project Gutenberg ,
Mathematical Logic is a necessary preliminary to logical Mathematics. The present work is concerned with the 'calculus ratiocinator' aspect, and shows, in an admirably succinct form, the beauty of the calculus of logic regarded as an algebra.
Book cover: The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and ProgrammingThe Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming
by - College Publications ,
The purpose of this book is to teach logic and mathematical reasoning in practice, and to connect logical reasoning with computer programming. The programming language that will be our tool for this is Haskell, a member of the Lisp family.
Book cover: Formal LogicFormal Logic
- Wikibooks ,
An undergraduate college level textbook covering first order predicate logic with identity but omitting metalogical proofs. The first rules of formal logic were written over 2300 years ago by Aristotle and are still vital.
Book cover: Introduction to Mathematical PhilosophyIntroduction to Mathematical Philosophy
by - University of Massachusetts Amherst ,
A very accessible mathematical classic. It sets forth in elementary form the logical definition of number, the analysis of the notion of order, the modern doctrine of the infinite, and the theory of descriptions and classes as symbolic fictions.
Book cover: Mathematical LogicMathematical Logic
by - Pennsylvania State University ,
Lecture notes for all mathematics graduate students. The text covers propositional calculus, predicate calculus, proof systems, extensions of the predicate calculus, theories, definability, interpretability, arithmetization and incompleteness.
Book cover: Logic For EveryoneLogic For Everyone
by ,
This is Robert Herrmann's elementary book in mathematical logic that includes all basic material in the predicate and propositional calculus presented in a unique manner. Neither proof requires specialized mathematical procedures.
Book cover: forall x: An Introduction to Formal Logicforall x: An Introduction to Formal Logic
by ,
An introduction to sentential logic and first-order predicate logic with identity, logical systems that influenced twentieth-century analytic philosophy. The book should help students understand quantified expressions in their philosophical reading.
Book cover: Predicative ArithmeticPredicative Arithmetic
by - Princeton Univ Pr ,
The book based on lecture notes of a course given at Princeton University in 1980. From the contents: the impredicativity of induction, the axioms of arithmetic, order, induction by relativization, the bounded least number principle, and more.
Book cover: A Problem Course in Mathematical LogicA Problem Course in Mathematical Logic
by ,
An introduction to mathematical logic for undergraduates. It supplies definitions, statements of results, and problems, along with some explanations, examples, and hints. The idea is to learn the material by solving the problems.